Ola Ødegaard is dead – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Ødegaard died on Monday 26 February. This is written by newspaper OA. He was originally from Dombås, but lived most of his life in Dokka. In 1993, he established the foundation Justice for the losers. The purpose was to help individuals vis-a-vis private and public health and social services. Among other things, he worked to secure compensation for former orphanage children and other groups and individuals who had been subjected to abuse and mistreatment. In 2005, Ødegaard received the King’s medal of merit in gold for the efforts he had made for the losers in Norwegian society. The Justice for the Losers Foundation was founded in 1993. The aim is to help various vulnerable groups who experience themselves as losers. Offers professional advice and guidance to people who have been exposed to incorrect placement in schools, orphanages and foster homes, sexual abuse and poor schooling. Source: taperne.no
