Ola (24) came out of the closet – now he has given up his childhood dream

– I was probably a little naive. I didn’t think that it would limit me so much, or become such a big deal, Lillelien says openly. In April 2022, the handball player will decide. In a simple and effective way, he tells the whole world via an Instagram post that he will most likely end up with a male lover. INSTAGRAM POST: With this post, Ola Lillelien came out of the closet with a bang in April 2022. Photo: Screenshot / Instagram There will be a big uproar. Norway gets its first openly gay male top athlete. The messages flow in, but the attention has its downside. – I have closed a lot of doors by being open. I have shelved my childhood dream of becoming a professional handball player abroad. I will never be able to experience playing in, for example, Hungary or Poland, because then I would put myself in danger, Lillelien believes. Klaveness assures that Pride will be celebrated in the center of Oslo on Saturday, and several hundred thousand participants in the parade are expected. In connection with this, a rainbow-coloured sports inclusion conference was organized this week, in which, among others, football president Lise Klaveness participated. FOOTBALL PRESIDENT: Lise Klaveness with gloomy predictions at the rainbow conference. Photo: Tonni Kristiansen / Norwegian Football Association In a post, she was able to say that she does not foresee that there will be a rush of top Norwegian male athletes who will stand out in the future. – The development of LHGTBQ rights is unfortunately going the wrong way in Europe. Players are in danger of hampering their own careers and losing their commercial interest by coming forward, the football president told those present. It is a view shared by the initiator behind the conference, Kristian Stakset-Gundersen. – It’s a well-known problem and it’s another fact that contributes to the fact that many potential open male role models out there, well, stay in the closet. ELDSJEL: Head of Queer sports competence, Kristian Nikolai Stakset-Gundersen Photo: Tonni Kristiansen / Norwegian Football Association Stakset-Gundersen has worked with queer sports policy for over 20 years. He misses several role models like Lillelien, but understands well that not many stand out. – One thing is that the career can be damaged by it, another important aspect is that the confederation also does not make good enough arrangements for more people to follow. The sport must create an action plan for how they will receive open top athletes, and he must all be familiar with before they come out, believes Stakset Gundersen. Lillelien agrees. He has received several thousand messages, and finds it difficult to bear the responsibility of answering all the personal stories that are shared with him. – I have been extremely alone in this. It is scary to have to give advice at the expense of your own experiences and opinions because there is never a definitive answer to anything. AT THE RAINBOW CONFERENCE: Ola Lillelien talked about his experiences as an open top male athlete. Photo: Tonni Kristiansen / Norwegian Football Association – Lots of hateful comments In the Drammen handball club, Ola Lillelien has put his best season behind him. With 99 game goals in the elite series and as a member of the captain’s team, he enjoys great respect in the player group. He has settled down that it will be a career in Norway. – I have gained a different perspective on what is important in life. Handball is still a big part of me, but if I can’t do it without being myself, then it will be difficult, says Lillelien. He is still a single rainbow-coloured male swallow in the top sport in Norway. He hopes that more will follow, but at the same time comes with a warning. – Everyone says it will go well, but the reality is that it will. But you must be prepared to lose opportunities, you will experience a lot of hateful comments and statements. It’s hard to be different in the society we have now. See the highlights from the match 03:38 Tame English national team further in the European Championship 01:39 Austria shocked with victory over the Netherlands and as group winner 03:31 See the highlights here 03:47 Show more Published 29/06/2024, at 11.45
