Offers free swimming for students affected by strike – news Troms and Finnmark

For many students, the teachers’ strike has lasted since the start of school, and at the latest today, the strike escalated again. In total, over 8,000 teachers are on strike. According to an overview in VG, Troms and Finnmark are the counties in the country that are hardest hit, taking the population into account. Tromsø municipality and municipal director Stig Johnsen see no end to the strike, and have now taken action. – When the strike has lasted as long as it has, we from the municipality’s side are afraid that the pupils will be sitting at home a little too much. We want to do what we can to counteract that, with an offer that is both free and easily accessible to everyone. From Tuesday morning, pupils in Tromsø can choose between leisure clubs, open sports halls, film screenings at the cinema and free swimming at Tromsøbadet, among other things. All the offers Tromsø municipality has can be seen here. – We have tried to systematize the offers we have, but also to expand the offers a little so that we can give the young people a leisure offer for as long as the strike lasts. Johnsen hopes that a large menu of various measures and offers will help the situation for the students affected by the strike. Stig Johnsen hopes that these offers will make everyday life without school a little better for the strike-affected students in Tromsø. Photo: Julie Bendiksen / news Haugesund offers skating It’s not just Tromsø municipality that has made such an offer, several municipalities have now taken steps to give students something to do. In Stjørdal municipality, among other things, a Russian group helps to organize games and ball games. Harstad municipality offers a free playground for everyone. Haugesund municipality also offers activities such as football, ice skating, gaming and film screenings. Mayor Arne-Christian Mohn is clear that the municipality wants to provide an offer to the children who are affected. – Due to two years of pandemic, we want to provide an activity offer for children during the strike. At the same time, we hope that the conflict will be resolved soon, says Mohn. – It’s good that the municipality is taking action One person who believes this will help the students is the head of the Education Association in Tromsø, Katrine Aursand. – It is good that the municipality is taking some action now. She believes it is important to activate the young people while the parents are at work, so that the pupils have a community to go to when the strike is over. – Now the teachers’ strike has been going on for a while here in the city, and some pupils have been without daytime services for four weeks. I think it is wise to have some offers available for children and young people right now, says Aursand. Leader of the Education Association in Tromsø, Katrine Aursand, thinks it is good that the municipality is taking action. Photo: Linda Jorid Nilsen Expecting good press One of the offers that expects a lot of traffic in the coming days is the popular Tromsøbadet. When the municipality made contact with operations manager Tommy Guttormsen, it was clear that they had to stand up. – We know that the young people come here and we believe that what we can offer them adds value in everyday life, while they are unfortunate enough to be affected by the strike. Tromsøbadet has staffed up to be able to welcome the students. – We have said that it should be manageable to have 200 pieces every day. If we manage to expand that capacity, we are willing to do so. Guttormsen is looking forward to welcoming the young people from tomorrow, and hopes this will help make everyday life a little easier for them.
