Obviously, Solberg should and could have done more to get an overview – Latest news – news

19 September 2023 at 20:42 Ap: Obviously, Solberg should and could have done more to get an overview Parliamentary leader of the Labor Party, Rigmor Aasrud, believes Conservative Party leader Erna Solberg should have done more to get an overview of her husband’s share trading. – This is an extensive and serious matter for the Conservative Party and Erna Solberg. The timeline does not show anything new, but it seems obvious that Solberg should and could have done more to obtain an overview of the man’s stock trading. The Conservative Party’s deputy leader acknowledged this morning that the list could have been made more quickly, writes Aasrud ​​in an email to NTB. She goes on to say that new and serious questions are constantly being raised in the case. – It is important that they are all properly answered, both those from the public and of course those who will eventually come from the control committee in the Storting. In the committee, we will be keen to get answers to all relevant questions about competence also from Solberg’s time as prime minister, says Aasrud. (NTB)
