Obama believes Biden’s chances are weakened – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

According to the Washington Post and AP, both of which cite closed sources, Obama believes that Biden’s chances of winning the election have weakened. He is said to have said that in telephone conversations with other Democrats, the newspapers write. Obama is said to have emphasized that he wants to protect the president and the achievements he has made in the last four years – and that these are at risk if the Republicans take the White House again. If so, Obama is the latest in a long line of Democrats who are putting ever greater pressure on their leader. Obama’s spokesperson did not want to comment on the matter. More blunders Biden’s age has long been a target for the Republicans and four years younger Donald Trump. Even before the last presidential election, Trump started referring to Biden as “Sleepy Joe”. Photo: Screenshot But now it is Biden’s own ranks that are creating the headlines. Despite the fact that the assassination of Trump has taken away much of the focus on Biden in the last week, he has not succeeded in calming the internal unrest in the party. During the first presidential debate in June, Biden made what experts believe was a very poor figure. That a short time later he mixed the names of Zelenskyj and Putin, as well as Kamala Harris and Trump, added fuel to the fire. Photo: Reuters In recent video meetings, Biden has also appeared to depend on notes, according to the Wall Street Journal. During a speech in Las Vegas on Tuesday, he also struggled to read from a teleprompter, the newspaper writes. Growing list The outcome of the presidential election will probably depend on swing states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Wisconsin. Biden won these in 2020, but a new poll shows that Trump now leads in the six states. An overview from the New York Times shows that a preponderance of Democrats are still behind Biden. But in recent weeks, more and more people have advocated that he should resign. So far, 21 representatives in Congress, as well as a governor, are on the list. AFP Adam Schiff, representative from California – A second term under Trump will undermine the foundations of our democracy. I am seriously concerned about whether the president can beat Trump in November, says Schiff. (July 17) Schiff has served as a congressional representative since 2001. AP Mike Levin, Rep. California- I have deep respect for President Biden’s more than five decades of public service and greatly appreciate the work we have done together over the past three and a half the years. But now I think the time has come for President Biden to pass on the baton. (July 12) Levin has served in Congress since 2019. Joel Bissell / The Grand Rapids Press / AP/NTB Michigan Representative Hillary Scholten – For our country’s sake, now is the time for the president to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders. (July 11)Hillary Scholten has been a congressional representative since 2023. AP Brittany Pettersen, Representative from Colorado- With deep respect and love, Joe Biden, please pass on the baton. (July 12)Brittany Pettersen has been a member of the House of Representatives since 2023. AFP Greg Stanton, Representative from Arizona – For our country, it is time for the president to pass the baton to a new generation of leaders. (July 11) Reuters Scott Peters, Representative from California – Today I am asking President Biden to withdraw from the presidential campaign. Much is at stake, and we are on a losing course. (July 11) AP Eric Sorensen, Representative from Illinois – In 2020, Joe Biden ran for president with the goal of putting country above party. Today I ask him to do it again. (July 11) AFP Brad Schneider, Representative from Illinois – I fear that if he fails to make the right choice, our democracy will hang in the balance. (July 11) AP Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, Rep. Washington – Americans deserve to feel that their president is fit enough to do the job. The crisis of confidence must end. (July 11) AFP Jim Himes, Connecticut Rep. – We must field the strongest candidate possible to confront the threat of Trump’s promised MAGA authoritarianism. I no longer believe it is Joe Biden. (July 11) AP Ed Case, Rep. Hawaii – This is all about the future, about the president’s ability to continue in the hardest job in the world for another four-year term. (July 11) AFP Peter Welch, Senator from Vermont – For the good of the country, I urge President Biden to withdraw from the election. (July 10) Welch is the first senator to call on Biden to go. A hard blow for the former senator Biden, who has great respect in the Senate. AP Pat Ryan, Representative from New York – For our country, for my two young children, I am asking Joe Biden to step aside in the upcoming election and fulfill his promise to be a bridge to a new generation of leaders. (July 10)Ryan believes Biden is no longer capable of beating Trump. AP Earl Blumenauer, Oregon Representative – While this is a decision for the president and the first lady, I hope they will come to the conclusion that I and others have: President Biden should not be the Democratic presidential nominee. (July 10) The veteran of 28 years in Congress believes it is about preserving democracy. AP Mikie Sherrill, Representative from New Jersey – Because I know President Biden cares about the future of our country, I am asking that he declare that he will not seek re-election and will help us through the process of finding a new nominee. (July 9) A respected politician with a background as a helicopter pilot in the military and a lawyer. AP Adam Smith, Representative from Washington – I think it has become clear that he is not the best person to carry the Democratic message. (July 8)Smith has been in Congress since 1996. AFP Angie Craig, Minnesota representative- I don’t think the president can effectively campaign and win over Donald Trump. (July 6)Craig becomes the fifth Democrat in Congress to ask Biden to go in a message on X. AP Seth Moulton, Rep. Massachusetts – President Biden has done a tremendous service for our country, but now it’s time for him to follow in George Washington’s footsteps, and step aside to let new leaders rise up and stand against Donald Trump. (July 4) AP Raúl M. Grijalva, Rep. Arizona – What he has to do is take responsibility for keeping the presidency (for the Democrats) – and that means getting out of this election. AP Mike Quigley, Rep. Illinois – It has to be his decision, Quigly says, adding: Let’s be honest, it wasn’t just a bad night. (2 July) Three days later, he is clearer: – Mr President, we are eternally grateful. The only thing you can do now to cement your legacy forever and prevent total disaster is to step down and let someone else do this. AP Lloyd Doggett, Representative from Texas – I hope he makes the painful and difficult decision to step down. (July 2) Doggett was the first Democrat in Congress to publicly call on Biden to resign. Three days later, he repeats the message: – The need for him to step aside is more urgent tonight than when I first asked for it on Tuesday. At the same time, Nancy Pelosi, former leader of the House of Representatives, has warned Biden that he cannot beat Trump. Current leader Hakeem Jeffries and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer have also warned that Biden’s candidacy could cause them to lose control in both sides of Congress. 81-year-old Biden has been clear that he has no intention of giving up. He has insisted that he has beaten Trump before and that he can do it again. Deputy head of the Biden campaign, Quentin Fulks, says on Thursday that the president is standing firm in the election. – He doesn’t waver over anything. I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t know how many times we can answer that. Nevertheless, the president has acknowledged that he is willing to reconsider his candidacy if his health warrants it. On Wednesday evening, he had to cancel a speech in Las Vegas due to corona. On Thursday evening, NBC writes that Biden’s political world is “about to collapse”. Among other things, they point to the fact that the Biden campaign is allegedly struggling to collect enough donations for the election campaign. – We are nearing the end, a source close to the president tells the newspaper. Those involved emphasize that it is still up to Biden to make the decision to resign. Published 18.07.2024, at 19.44 Updated 18.07.2024, at 22.57
