Nygård: – Continued uncertainty about Follobanen – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

24 January 2023 at 15:40 Nygård: – Still uncertainty about the Follobanen – The way I assess it based on the meeting we had today, there is still a certain risk linked to the opening date. This is what Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård says after today’s meeting with the board of Bane Nor. Test runs are scheduled to begin this week and passenger traffic will begin on February 12. Nygård is therefore not convinced that this will happen. He is also critical of Bane Nor’s behavior and handling within a number of topics: – I have questioned Bane Nor’s ability to assess risks, project management, safety culture in the company, Bane Nor’s communication with the public and dialogue with passengers. Chairman Cato Hellesjø of Bane Nor says it was an “important and good conversation” with the minister. – We experience the situation as extremely serious and important. Both to get the Follobanen opened and the development of the railway as such. Hellesjø says that Bane Nor is “working intensely for the track to be opened”: – It is still the case that we are working with 12 February as the opening date. But before that, we will finalize what is happening on the Follobanen, we will turn on the electricity and we will test run trains. When we have finished with that, we will prepare a good route plan together with the Norwegian Railway Directorate and Vy. So there are several things left.
