Nye Vier turns around – still builds new E39 – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The company says so in a press release. – It is important to get started to improve traffic safety on this stretch, says managing director Anette Aanesland. Nye Veier is now dividing the construction of the 25 kilometer stretch into two, which means that they can continue construction. It is from Mandal and westwards that will now be built. It is still unknown when the last half will be built. news has been in contact with the mayors in both Lyngdal and Lindesnes, who express great relief and joy that the project is now being started again. Put on hold In May, the road project was put on hold indefinitely due to dramatic price increases, as a result of the situation with war, fuel prices and electricity prices. – We now see that prices have started to stabilise. We have a slightly better overview. Then we split the stretch in two, so that we get a slightly smaller and less expensive project, says communications director Christian Altman in Nye Veier. A new road between Kristiansand and Mandal will soon be ready. If construction of the road from Mandal and further west had been shelved, the new road from Kristiansand would have stopped in a pile of gravel. Excavators are parked in the area where the new E39 is to be built. Soon they can be in operation again. Photo: Siv Kristin Sællmann / news Last half in the blue The postponement of the project created strong reactions in Agder. – Postponing the stretch from Mandal to Lyngdal is simply not acceptable. Motorway development saves lives. We know that, said Torstein Salvesen, head of Nullvisjon in Agder, which works with attitude-creating work for all road users. But now the first half of the section is being built. At the same time, it is unclear when the entire stretch will be ready with four brand new fields. – The second part will be put on hold. Then we work on trying to create a timetable for when it will be released on the market. It is difficult to say anything about the time perspective. It is difficult to promise anything about this, says Altmann.
