Nye Veier postpones E6 development past Lillehammer indefinitely – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

In a press release sent out on Tuesday evening, Nye Veier writes that the halt in the E6 Roterud – Storhove project could have greater consequences than just the section in question. The dispute over a new four-lane motorway bridge over the Lågendeltaet nature reserve in Lillehammer has been going on for years. On Monday, it became known that the Norwegian Environment Agency set aside earlier decisions from both the State Administrator, the municipality and Nye Veier. HAPPY: Ole Midthun, leader of the Nature Conservation Association in Inlandet, is very happy with the decision that there will be no construction in Lågendeltaet in Lillehammer. Photo: Arne Sørenes / news – It’s an incredibly great day for us who work with nature conservation, said Ole Midthun, leader of the Nature Conservation Association in the Interior. Ellen Hambro, director of the Norwegian Environment Agency, told news that they have instead listened to the Ministry of Transport, which has pointed out that 110 zones are not necessary in all improvements to major road projects. The Norwegian Environment Agency therefore believes that there is no longer a good enough reason to make exceptions to the protection regulations. According to the Norwegian Environment Agency, the road project has a negative socio-economic benefit of minus 5.9 billion 2019 kroner. Lågendeltaet nature reserve The purpose of the conservation, according to the legal text, is to “preserve an important and special wetland area in its natural state with vegetation and wildlife, and to protect a particularly rich and interesting bird life, especially for the sake of migrating, nesting and wintering waterfowl.” There are a number of provisions for the area. Among other things, all vegetation in water and on land is protected against any form of damage and destruction. It is not allowed to introduce new plant species. Hunting, trapping, the use of firearms and the release of dogs is prohibited. Furthermore, it states that “measures that could change the natural conditions” must not be taken. This means, among other things, that it is not permitted to erect buildings or roads. North of the Vingnesbrua, motorized traffic by water and by land is prohibited. In the period from 15 April to 14 May, all traffic on water and shallow areas in parts of the delta is prohibited. The area was designated as a nature reserve by Crown Prince Reg.res. of 12 October 1990. Consequences The press release from Nye Veier states that NOK 400 million has already been spent on the project which is being stopped. Espen Almlid, development director at Nye Veier. Photo: Ola Bjørlo Strande / news – We have no plan B for the project. For that, we have come too far in the planning process, which has so far cost NOK 400 million, writes Espen Almlid, director of development at Nye Veier. Nye Veier writes that they have wanted a holistic realization of the social mission to replace 42 kilometers of the current E6 from Moelv to Øyer with a new, traffic-safe four-lane road with a central drawbar. By setting aside the State Administrator’s dispensation over Lågen, the chain reaction is that the start-up for the entire section is unclear. – The projects are naturally connected. It is not unlikely that there will be delays for an indefinite period of time, writes Almlid in the press release. Considering pushing other projects Nye Veier states that they are now considering the start of other projects ready for development. – With the Norwegian Environment Agency’s decision now in place regarding E6 Roterud – Storhove, it is a natural consideration to accelerate the start of other development-ready projects in Nye Veier’s portfolio, writes development director Espen Almlid. Nye Veier has been commissioned by the State to build the E6 from Roterud in Gjøvik municipality to Storhove in Lillehammer municipality. The 23 km long stretch was to be built as a four-lane motorway at 110 km/h. E6 Roterud – Storhove is a sub-project on the section E6 Moelv – Øyer.
