NVE will select the most relevant power projects in Finnmark – news Troms and Finnmark

The contrasts are great when on Monday at 10.00 it will be revealed what kind of power project in Finnmark will be sent out for consultation. On the one hand, wind power companies are ready to spend several tens of billions of kroner on developments. On the other side are indigenous people, reindeer husbandry, nature conservationists and opponents of wind power. NVE will decide how of the 26 projects to be sent out for consultation. Graphics: NVE 26 different projects have submitted applications to Norway’s Water and Energy Directorate (NVE), but only a few of these can be built due to limited capacity in the power grid. As a result, many of the projects on Monday will probably be scrapped. Certain projects have already been refused construction by the municipalities. Want wind power The background to it all is the government’s aim to electrify the gas plant on Melkøya in Hammerfest. In order to achieve that, they believe that wind power plants must be built. The plans are described as unrealistic by power experts, because there is not enough wind. The fear is therefore that the electricity price in Northern Norway will skyrocket if the plans are realised. Both the electrification of Melkøya in itself and the plans for wind power plants are creating great discord in Finnmark. – I am very excited about Monday, says the mayor of Lebesby municipality, Kristin Johnsen (Ap). In contrast to many of the municipalities in Finnmark, Lebesby wants to build wind power. Kristin Johnsen is the mayor of Lebesby, and is positive about wind power development in the municipality. Photo: Privat Nine of the applications that NVE processes concern power development in Lebesby. A majority of the municipal council supports all the applications. – There is no question of us having nine new wind power plants. It is totally out of the question. If we’re lucky, we get one. If we are even luckier, we might get two, says Johnsen. One of the submitted applications from Lebesby is Davvi wind power plant, which has caused a lot of reactions from several people. At one point, the company behind the project tried to entice the residents with a lucrative offer: free electricity for 30 years. The wreckage of municipalities The projects NVE has dealt with are mainly wind power plants and a hydropower plant. – We have gone through all projects and ensured their quality. We have prioritized projects against the criteria we had sent out in advance, says Ingrid Myrtveit, section manager for network concessions in NVE. Myrtveit can confirm that the projects that the municipal council has said no to will not proceed to the consultation round. One of the projects that will therefore not be taken forward is the wind power development on Stjernøya, after the politicians in Alta decided to refuse. – We have had a dialogue with the individual municipalities where the various projects have been. Also had contact with the county council, the state administrator and the Sami Parliament, says Myrtveit. Hope Davvi doesn’t get involved further Ragnhild Rajala Lautz is the leader of the Folkeksjonen against Davvi wind power plant. She has high hopes for NVE’s decision about Davvi in ​​particular. – We expect it to be put away, says Rajala Lautz. Ragnhild Rajala Lautz, leader of the People’s Action against Davvi wind power plant. Photo: Nils Henrik Måsø / news The neighboring municipalities of Tana and Karasjok are also opposed to the plans, because the wind farm will be located close to their municipal border. Nor is the landowner Finnmarkseiendomen positive. If NVE chooses to take Davvi on, the public action will also continue. – We continue to work with full strength and new enthusiasm. Perhaps greater strength than before. There are several people who have contacted and said that they will contribute very actively, if the plan is allowed to continue, says Rajala Lautz. – What will the doctor do if Davvi is not taken further? – Then we celebrate. Simply. If they put it away, we celebrate. Then we’ll have a good holiday. Published 24.06.2024, at 07.32
