NVE says no to wind turbines in Bremangerlandet – news Vestland

In recent years, the Bremangerlandet wind power plant has been among the most controversial power projects in Norway. The project was originally rejected by NVE, but was approved by Oil and Energy Minister Terje Søviknes (Frp), who overruled his own directorate in 2017. Since then, the municipality has also turned around. But the other way around. From yes to no. For the past five years, the dispute over the 18 wind turbines has therefore gone like a table tennis ball between the County Governor (in each case State Administrator), chairmanship, municipal council and the lawyers of Sogn og Fjordane Energi (SFE), which is the parent company of Bremangerlandet Vindpark AS. Now the matter has taken yet another twist, if not a full stop. – We will appeal this decision to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, says Stig Svalheim, who is director of wind power at SFE. The background is NVE’s refusal to extend the deadline for the Bremangerlandet wind power plant. In recent years, the Bremangerlandet wind power plant has been among the most controversial power projects in Norway. Photo: Brit Jorunn Svanes / news The developer is still hopeful The concession states that the developer had until 1 September 2022 to start operations. Due to all the delays, Bremangerlandet wind power plant asked for an extension of the deadline in March. But the answer from NVE is no. Svalheim has still not given up. – I am not sure, but I hope that the ministry will see the matter in the same way as us, he says. He refers to the strained energy situation and the signal from the government that the development of onshore wind power is to start up again. Støre wants more wind turbines on land After a controversial development map, massive protests and cairn burning against wind power, there was a political consensus to “put one foot in the ground” in 2019. But this spring Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) announced that he wants more wind turbines on land, and that this will be politically possible given “more thorough processes” and greater local involvement. – I like to believe that a long country like Norway has enough nature for us to do this in a gentle way, he said to news. The main lines of the new licensing regime state that there should be more local influence, and that the municipalities should process applications through the Planning and Building Act (not the Energy Act, as previously). Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) and Energy Minister Terje Aasland want more wind turbines in the country. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB – I’m overjoyed In Bremanger, the opponents of the wind farm still collected the victory. – I am overjoyed, says Jørund Nygård, who is the spokesman for the opposition group against the wind farm. He adds: – This was one of the worst facilities planned in Norway, in the middle of marshes, bird migration and popular hiking trails. The Norwegian Tourist Association (DNT) has claimed that the conditions for an extended deadline were not present and has asked in several rounds that the application for an extension be rejected. – It’s a happy day for nature, outdoor life and the wonderful landscape in Bremangerlandet, says manager of Bergen and Hordaland Tour Team, Helene Ødven. – We will appeal this decision to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, says Stig Svalheim, who is director of wind power at SFE. Photo: Håvard Nyhus – We are completely dependent on developing more wind power Elias Eide sits on the program committee in Vestland Høgre, which this week is launching several proposals to ensure more renewable energy. A majority in the committee was in favor of more wind power on land “where it has local roots”, while a minority wanted to remove the municipal right of veto because “energy policy is a national responsibility”. – We are completely dependent on developing more renewable energy, including wind power, says Eide to news. He adds: – The regulations today are revealed to be far too cumbersome and convoluted. But as long as we have it, we must take care of it, including SFE. I register that they will appeal the case to the OED, and I will wait and see the conclusion from there.
