NTNU student wants to make a wheelchair that does not look like a wheelchair – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Brother Alwin Edvardsen Sagstuen (21) from Lillehammer is concerned that disabled children should not feel so different. He studies design at NTNU Gjøvik, and has made a bachelor’s thesis where he has designed a completely new type of wheelchair for children. – This is a cool and tough wheelchair for outdoor use. It does not have the institutional character of a classic wheelchair, he says. The 21-year-old hopes that this new type of wheelchair can create pride and a feeling of mastery for children with disabilities. OFF-ROAD: An imaginary placement of the new wheelchair model in nature. Photo: Brother Alwin Edvardsen Sagstuen Hope it can inspire Karl Haakon Sævold is deputy leader of the Handicapped Children’s Parents’ Association (HBF). He believes it is important to obtain aids that contribute to inclusion. – This wheelchair looks great. It’s tough. It is often the case that some aids can have a slightly sturdy appearance. When aids are to be used by children in everyday activities, it is important that they look a little tidy. – It’s just cheering on everyone who develops such. Then this should be an inspiration for others who develop other aids, he adds. HOPE IT WILL BE IN PRODUCTION: Camilla Sagstuen with her two daughters Aurora (left) and Olivia. Photo: Dag Kessel / news Camilla Sagstuen from Lillehammer is the mother of twin sisters Aurora and Olivia, who have cerebral palsy. – I am so moved that someone will do something for us and others who are in the same situation. I could not have praised him enough, she says. – It means a lot to children what a wheelchair looks like. And this one is so cool that many other kids probably want to try it too. – I would like it to be pink, says Aurora, after seeing the model. – We will probably arrange that, Brother Alwin smiles, and adds that there are many details that must be in place before it eventually comes into production. RAPTOR NEO: The sawmill with 8-year-olds Aurora and Olivia. On the table is a model of the wheelchair Raptor Neo. Photo: Dag Kessel Inspired by his father’s old model The model is called Raptor Neo, and is a further development of the older model Raptor. And the old version was designed by his father in 2005. – It is clear that it has been an inspiration to me that it was dad who designed the previous model, says Brother Alwin. OLD AND NEW RAPTER: Brother Alwin’s father designed the red model in 2005. Photo: Brother Alwin Edvardsen Sagstuen Camilla Sagstuen says that they are used to using the old model, and will use a possible new model for the same as before . That is, all kinds of driving outdoors. They have used it in the schoolyard and on family trips out in nature. Excited about reaction from the industry The new model will be more off-road. Raptor Neo has four-wheel drive, greater ground clearance and longer range. The gain with longer range is achieved through material selection, among other things. Raptor Neo uses aluminum instead of steel, and lithium battery instead of lead battery. This makes the vehicle lighter. Furthermore, there are opportunities to install solutions such as motion sensors in each corner to improve safety. Praise from Elon Musk Brother Alwin says that the process will continue to be exciting. – I am dependent on a producer igniting this idea. Then there will be testing and development, and it will take time. He still believes that it can go fast if a player in the industry really decides, and puts in the effort to get the Raptor Neo into production. Sagstuen also says that he likes to design Tesla-style vehicles. He posted a picture of a 14-seater car on Twitter, and received a response from Elon Musk: (The family and the student in this article have the same last name, but are not related.)
