Now you can take several re-selections on passing through – news Vestland

Music, drama, media and communication, construction. Alrik Kleveland Dahl (15) from Bergen has assessed the vast majority of lines in passing. – I feel like I’m applying to university or something like that. Choice is fine, but it’s a bit too much. Days before the application deadline, he is on his mobile flicking through the application – again. – When people ask what Alrik has applied for, I usually answer: “This week he has applied like this, next week it will be something else”, says mother Lena with a grin. Lena and Odd Erik Kleveland Dahl struggle to keep up to date on how the application for the zone changes. – We have a bet about what it will be in the end, jokes Odd Erik. Photo: Martin Værum Anda / news But as of Friday 1 March, the application is locked, and Alrik cannot change his mind. Until next year. And possibly again the year after that. And the year after that. Because in the new Education Act that applies from 1 August, secondary school pupils are allowed to apply for a new start on a new line, as many times as they want until the year they turn 19. – This may mean that more to make a choice outside of the ordinary, says career guidance director Tomas Iversen in Many possibilities The teacher has barely said happy winter holidays before shouts of jubilation break out at Rothaugen school in Bergen. They drop the last class with the subject Education Choice. Tenth graders have plenty to think about during the holidays anyway. – It began the second half of the ninth grade. In the tenth grade, people talked about and stressed about passing constantly, says Alrik. After an intense week with the elective “room and stage”, the drama line has sailed up in the competition for the study elective. Photo: Martin Værum Anda / news He himself has been an adviser to get an overview of all the possibilities. – I don’t know if I was more or less confused, says Alrik and laughs. – He suggested even more choices that I could make. That doesn’t make it any easier for someone who wants to try most things. Many people contact Alrik is just one of many who know that the election is difficult. Tomas Iversen, career guidance manager at, notices this. One piece of advice for applicants and one for parents Tomas Iversen has long lists of advice, both for applicants and their parents. If he has to choose just one thing for each, the list looks like this: For applicants: There is the greatest chance to thrive – and do well at school, if you choose something you want to learn more about. To parents: Ask questions instead of giving answers. Be open and curious. It is a free service from the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, where those who are going to apply for education can get information and an overview of the many possibilities. Among other things, by chatting with or making a phone call to a legal representative. And they are busy now. – There are many people who contact us who want to talk about the choice of further education, especially now towards the deadline of 1 March. – What are they wondering about? – Often it’s about them being unsure and not knowing what to choose. We also see that some important and useful information is missing. Extends the right to re-election Alrik hasn’t got everything either. – Do you have the right to change your mind? In progress? I haven’t heard anything about that. But you can get that now, according to the law. Iversen believes that this can lead to more people daring to try something they are interested in, but do not know very well from before. He pointed out that a lot can change during secondary school. – You learn quite a lot about yourself, and you may change your perspective on things a little. So it’s nice that you have the opportunity to choose again or change direction, says the head of the court. Photo: Martin Værum Anda / news At home with the Kleveland Dahl family, the clock can be ticking towards the deadline while Alrik digests the new information. Until Father Odd Erik breaks in. – Now you have even more opportunities. Then you can see if it makes it easier for someone who wants to try most things.
