Now you can be fined for publishing edited photos – news Kultur og underholdning

As of today, the Norwegian Media Authority accepts tips from the public about advertising that may contain pictures of people. Now you can be punished if you edit the waist less or the muscles bigger to promote vitamin teddy bears. The label must be on regardless of whether you are advertising protein powder or cocoa. Photo: Envato The goal is to reduce body pressure among children and young people. – As an influencer, big sister and friend, I am very happy that this rule is coming. It says affects Martine Halvorsen. She uses her platform actively to speak positively about the diversity of bodies that exist. Halvorsen uses his platform to talk positively about all types of bodies. Photo: Private Together with several other influencers, Halvorsen has repeatedly stated his opinion on why such a law is important. She’s glad they’re finally heard. Have you ever edited photos of yourself and posted them on social media? Yes, why not? ?‍♀️?‍♂️ Everyone decorates the look! Yes, but not in connection with advertising or advertisements. ?? No! ?‍♀️? Show result – There are so many girls and boys, both old and young, who are harmed by advertising that they do not know whether has been edited or not, she says. Fought for twelve years Save the Children’s youth organization, Press, has also worked to get the new rule in place. – From today, I think children and young people will be much happier with themselves, says leader of Press, Isaac Elstad Røssnes. The organization has been fighting for the law for twelve years, he says. – It is important that influencers and companies get a proper punishment when they do something wrong. So far, they have only been notified in writing, but that does not change anything. Press has previously nominated one of the largest photo editing apps for this year’s Gullbarbie. Photo: Leif-Erik Sørensen Norwegians used social media more than ever in 2020, according to a report from the Norwegian Media Authority, which is published every other year. Half of girls and boys between the ages of 9 and 18 receive advertising for slimming products. In addition, four out of ten 13-18-year-olds receive advertising for cosmetic treatments such as botox, fillers and microneedling. The latter is meant to reverse the aging of the skin. In the autumn, a new survey will be published which shows whether young people’s self-esteem has changed as a result of the change in the law. This is how it works Section Manager Nina Elise Dietzel in the Norwegian Consumer Agency encourages the public to come up with tips when they discover edited advertising. You can not get away with reducing the brand. The Norwegian Consumer Agency checks whether it is visible enough. Photo: DAG JENSSEN / DAG JENSSEN The rule only covers color and editing of skin. This means that you can still change and color your eyes, hair and teeth. – So if I edit on whiter teeth and advertise a teeth whitening set… – Then this is not covered by the brand requirement, no, Dietzel states. When the Norwegian Consumer Agency has dealt with enough cases, they can say something about what punishment is given for which offense. The possible sanctions depend on how many people see the post, how serious the breach is and whether it repeats itself. Here you tip the Norwegian Consumer Agency about posts. To find out what has been edited and not, the Consumer Council must use a computer program. – We are in an assessment phase to find out which programs we will use to see if photos or videos are retouched. The influencers are dumb Also parts of the advertising industry are positive about the new regulations. This is no longer allowed. Photo: Envato – I think the new rule is very good and correct, points out one of the leaders in Try, Sindre Beyer. Try is Norway’s largest advertising agency in turnover, but Beyer does not think the new regulations will affect them to any great extent. This is because Try edits bodies and faces to a very small degree, he says. Beyer compares some influencers with motorists with rough drivers. Photo: Marius Marve Vesteraa / TRY – It is probably most prevalent among the fashion industry and influencers. I still believe that the news of the new law is an awareness for the whole industry. He hopes more advertising agencies will start using natural models in their advertising. – Social media is a bit like car traffic. Both have rules, but some drivers drive faster than others. Unfortunately, some rough riders can afford more than enough to pay the fine. The same has many influencers who edit photos of themselves. news has called and sent messages to several influencers who have been accused of editing their pictures. None of them wanted to give an answer in the case.
