Now we have become 8 billion people on earth – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

We have just become eight billion people on earth. It is the UN that has calculated that today, 15 November, we will be 8 billion people on earth. And now that person is born. Just 11 years ago we were 7 billion people. The world’s population has grown rapidly since the 1950s. But now population growth is starting to slow down somewhat. It will probably take 15 years to reach 9 billion people. And we will not reach 10 billion before the year 2080, according to the UN. POPULATION: Mexico City is one of the world’s most populous cities. Photo: RAQUEL CUNHA / Reuters Giving birth to fewer children Until this year, the UN has found babies who are named human number 5 billion, 6 billion and 7 billion. They have stopped doing that, writes the BBC. Now population growth is slowing down. The fact that more and more women are taking up education is one of the most important reasons. UN Secretary-General António Guterrés says there is reason to celebrate – but that we have a responsibility. – The milestone is an opportunity to celebrate diversity and progress while we take on humanity’s shared responsibility for the planet, he says, according to NTB. The population has doubled since 1974 and quadrupled since 1927. In 2050, there will probably be 9.7 billion people on earth, according to the UN. CROWDED: People on the streets of New York City, America’s largest city with 8.6 million people. Photo: EDUARDO MUNOZ / Reuters NB: The UN itself admits they can be wrong by a year or two, as it is difficult to know exactly how many people live on earth today.
