Now there is an end to free coronation tests in the municipalities – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The scheme where residents could get a free coronal test without a referral from a doctor discontinued. It appears in a letter the Norwegian Directorate of Health has sent to all municipalities in the country. – No longer a basis From 1 July, it will no longer be possible to take a corona test at the municipal test stations. – The Ministry of Health and Care Services has considered that there is no basis for asking the municipalities to offer testing as documentation requirements for holiday trips, says assistant director of the Norwegian Directorate of Health, Espen Rostrup Nakstad. Assistant director of the Norwegian Directorate of Health, Espen Rostrup Nakstad, says that there is no longer a basis for the municipalities to offer coronary tests. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB It comes from the fact that only three countries in Europe now use a corona certificate when entering, France, Malta and Portugal. If you now want a corona test and documentation on it, then you must seek out private players from 1 July. It will not be possible to take a coronal test or get documentation on a test from a GP or emergency room. Packing together In Sandefjord municipality, they are now packing the cases at the test station. Municipal director for health, social and care, Bente Østbakken Aasoldsen, says that it is strange to end this work. – It is very good to see that we can return to normal operation again in our municipality, she says. Today has been used to pack equipment and to cancel classes. The municipalities offer corona testing at test stations during the pandemic, such as here in Bergen. Now this period is coming to an end. Photo: Atle Markeng / news – Someone has booked an appointment in July because they were going on holiday and underwent a negative test. We cancel them now. The municipal manager does not disregard the fact that someone is despairing that they no longer receive a free test. – I think there is an understanding in the population that it is like that. It is an era that is over. Aasoldsen emphasizes that if you are ill and need a test or health care, you must contact your GP or emergency room. 50 million self-tests Most municipal test stations have already been demolished, Nakstad explains. The infection is now increasing in society, but the governing authorities are based on you testing yourself at home, instead of under municipal auspices. – The most relevant is to use self-tests that people take home and register on the websites of the municipalities. We have obtained 50 million of these types of tests. So there are almost 10 tests per inhabitant on standby, if necessary.
