Now the norovirus is here – tips for when it’s at its worst – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The winter has been brutal for the Limacher family so far. In both December and January, communicable disease ravaged the home. They found themselves forced to escape to Sandefjord, where the grandparents live, when the nightmare broke out. – Waking up in the night with one throwing up all over the bed and waking both sisters was slightly chaotic, says Michelle Limacher. She is a first-time mother of triplets and was desperate to find good solutions when they fell ill. For the Limacher family, the winter season has been characterized by diarrhoea, rash, cough and high fever. Photo: Michelle Limacher For the Limacher family, the winter season has been characterized by diarrhoea, rash, cough and high fever. Photo: Michelle Limacher Unusual number of outbreaks in Telemark Figures from the Hospital in Vestfold show that cases of infection have increased in recent times. At Telemark Hospital, they have had an unusually high number of outbreaks throughout the winter. At the hospitals in Ringerike, Drammen and Bærum, they have also experienced outbreaks of infection among patients and staff. But while the virus is ravaging southern Norway, it is quiet in the north. The hospital in Førde and Nordlandssykehuset report that it is quiet on the norovirus front. Haukeland University Hospital has just registered its first outbreak. Rare need for health care Norovirus is usually short-lived and most people recover without needing health care. This is what senior doctor Dagfinn Skaare says at the Hospital in Vestfold. – If you are elderly, weak or have other illnesses, you can become more seriously ill and dehydrated, and in some cases need hospital treatment. Have you had STDs lately? 🤢 Yes😥 No🤗 Not yet. Waiting for it😓 Show result Here you get the triplets’ mother and senior doctor’s best advice if the disease strikes. PS: At the bottom of the case, you can give your tips and tricks yourself! Mattress in the living room Limacher had to change and tend in the middle of the night, while two siblings cried next to him. She found the solution in the living room. – We ended up on a mattress on the floor in the living room, and spent the night there. It was a “what do I do now?!” situation. Several layers of bedding In sheer desperation, Limacher asked his followers on Instagram for tips. Most people recommended standing in it, and laying out the pee sheet here and there throughout the house. – And to put several layers of bed linen on the beds. So that if an accident happened, all you had to do was take off the sheet, remove the pee stain and, in a flash, the bed was ready without having to find anything new. Mother of triplets, Michelle Limacher, tells how dealing with three children is like a real puzzle. Photo: Michelle Limacher Mother of triplets, Michelle Limacher, tells how dealing with three children is like a real puzzle. Photo: Michelle Limacher Wash your hands! – The virus is highly contagious, especially when you vomit, says senior doctor Dagfinn Skaare at the Hospital in Vestfold. He recommends good hand hygiene and cleaning routines around the toilet. – Those who are ill should use their own toilet and towel, among other things. Wash your hands with soap and water. Hand hygiene is extra important when the norovirus strikes. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news Hand hygiene is extra important when the norovirus strikes. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news Stay hydrated There is no treatment for communicable diseases. But you can alleviate symptoms and prevent complications, according to FHI. – The most important thing is to prevent drying out. It is therefore important to drink plenty of fluids to replace the fluid loss caused by diarrhea and vomiting. Drink a lot if you first get sick. Photo: Colourbox.noDrink a lot if you first get sick. Photo: Wait 48 hours Kindergarten children should stay at home if they have symptoms. It should take 48 hours after vomiting and diarrhea subside before they return, according to Helse Norge. The same applies to people who handle food, for example in commercial kitchens or canteens. Wait to send the child back to the nursery until he is completely healthy. Photo: Jørgen Leangen Wait to send the child back to the nursery until he is completely healthy. Photo: Jørgen Leangen What do you do when the social sickness breaks out? Share your best tips: Hi! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
