Now the municipal settlement is underway – news Vestland

On Tuesday, head of negotiations in KS, Tor Arne Gangsø, stated that the wage settlement in the municipal sector will be “particularly demanding”. At twelve o’clock today, he goes to the table with the other party in the negotiations: LO Kommune, Unio, YS-K and the Academics. The four represent 40 different trade unions, divided into almost 100 different occupational categories. The background for the opening meeting is the result from the front subject settlement. A result that LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik characterized as “a historically good result”. In the front subject, an agreement was finally reached with a framework of 5.2 per cent. It lays down guidelines for the municipal settlement, which deals with more than 450,000 municipal employees. During today’s opening meeting, the parties exchange their overarching demands, and KS presents its first offer. Unio has already signaled that they demand a pay week that is “well above” the front-line professional framework of 5.2 per cent. In parallel, salary negotiations are taking place in the state. Figures from KS on average wage growth for various groups in the municipal sector from 2017–2022 show that the nurses have been the winners. Photo: Meek, Tore / NTB scanpix Demand a lift for the low paid The wage settlement is an interim settlement, where only wage regulation is the subject. – We demand the same wage supplement for everyone and a boost for the low-paid in the interim settlement for Oslo municipality, says Per Egil Johansen of the Trade Union, who is the negotiating leader for LO Municipality Oslo. LO Municipality Oslo represents more than 18,000 employees in Oslo municipality. The demand from LO and the Trade Union is a wage development in line with the frontline profession 2023. In the frontline profession, a settlement was finally agreed with a framework of 5.2 per cent. – The municipal sector has lagged behind in wage development for three years in a row. It is a development that cannot continue, says leader Roger Dehlin of the Oslo Trade Union. They therefore believe that the solution must be krone supplements and not percentages. Clear expectations from the teachers In the Education Association, the county manager in Vestland, Steinar Strømsli, has clear expectations for a settlement this year that will give them real wage growth. – Now, for several years, the municipal sector has lost out compared to the private sector. They therefore believe that this year they must go beyond the frontline subject framework of 5.2 per cent. At the same time, Strømsli is worried that the teachers will once again be the losers when the low-paid municipal sector is to get a boost. – If someone is to get more than others in this settlement, they have to take it from someone. But they cannot take it from the teachers for the seventh time, then there will be trouble, says Strømsli. Steinar Strømsli is the leader of the Education Association in Vestland. Photo: Erlend Skorpetveit Aga / news Nurses wage winners in the latest figures Figures from KS on average wage growth for various groups in the municipal sector from 2017–2022 show that nurses have been the winners: Nurses have had a wage growth of 17.2% (to 614,500) The wage growth for The teachers (adjunct professors) have had a salary increase of 13% (to 584,200) Health professionals/assistant nurses have had a salary increase of 12.4% (to 538,500) Assistant professors with additional education have had a salary increase of 12.4% (to 636,400) and Lecturers with additional education have had a salary increase of 11.4% (to 685,000) According to KS, the figures show that nurses have had a higher average salary than the centrally agreed guaranteed salary. The parties have until April 30 at midnight. If the negotiations do not lead, the settlement goes to mediation. According to KS, an assistant professor with additional education has had 12.4% in salary week between 2017-2022. Photo: Bjørn Sigurdsøn / NTB
