Now the language manager wants you to write “tako” – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– We already pronounce it in a Norwegian way and should be able to write it in a Norwegian way, says department director Daniel Ims in the Language Council to TV 2. Photo: Moment Studio They have now submitted this and several other proposals for language changes for consultation. The list also includes “kava” instead of “cava” and “campus” instead of “campus”. Ims says the Language Council is prepared that there will be divided opinions on the proposals. “Few people want to go back to the foreign word once a Norwegian spelling has been established,” he says, referring to the word “chaffeur” which became the Norwegian “driver”. Are you going to spell Taco with a K? No! Taco MUST be written with a C! Yes. Zero stress to write Taco with K – that is, Tako! Show result Snorts at the proposal Taco giant Santa Maria tells TV 2 that they have little faith that people will write taco with K. Managing director Stian Hvaal Møller refers to when the Language Council proposed establishing the spelling “pøbb” a few years ago instead of “pub”, before the proposal was rejected. – In any case, we will deal with tacos with C going forward. We don’t have our own Norwegian packaging, and the names we use on the products must hit all the markets we are in, says Møller. (©NTB) Here is Taco… ooops… Tako with pork. Photo: Tone Rieber-Mohn / news
