Now the capacity of the car can be halved – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

In recent days, there has been snow chaos in southern Norway. Now comes the blasting cold. In large parts of Norway it can get colder than minus 20 degrees. It must be taken seriously in several areas, including when you are going out for a drive – especially if you have an electric car. – As with mobile phones and other things that run on batteries, the capacity is greatly reduced in the cold. People therefore have to take account of a halving of the range, says Nils Sødal, senior communications adviser at NAF, to news. While it will be milder in the north, it may be record cold in the south. The last time it was 20 minus degrees in Oslo was in 2010, and the record is 26 blue from 1941. Photo: Meteorological Institute Could be the coldest in ten years NAF is conducting tests of most of the electric cars on the Norwegian market. They are tested both in summer and in winter. – The winter tests have been in moderate temperatures, between 0 and minus 10 degrees. Then the range loss is up to 36 percent. When it’s as cold as now, people have to take into account a halving, compared to summer, says Sødal. State meteorologist Pernille Borander tells news that several parts of the country may experience the coldest temperatures in ten years. It is expected that the low pressure, which has been over the North Sea and Skagerrak for a long period, will move south. With that, a high pressure builds up over large parts of Scandinavia. – It is this high pressure, together with clear weather, that brings with it the cold temperatures that are expected in the days ahead. During Thursday, Friday and Saturday, large parts of southern Norway can experience temperatures from minus 10 to minus 25 degrees, says Borander. On Thursday afternoon, the Meteorological Institute warns that it will possibly be a little milder than forecast, although it will be cold. – In Oslo it will probably be between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius, but it can still drop to minus 26. Inner parts of Eastern Norway can end up with below 30 degrees below zero, says meteorologist Marit Berger. Plan your trip Sødal in NAF says the cars have not been tested in the freezing cold, as it is not often possible to carry out those tests – and that it is not the “normal” Norwegian winter. – What do people have to think about when driving in colder weather than minus 20 degrees? – The trip needs to be planned a little better, and you may need to have more frequent charging stops. Fast charging is also often slower, and there may be more people at the charging station, since more people need more frequent charging. If you have a car with preheating of the battery, it may be a good idea to use it. Then your own charging goes faster, and you make room for others. Nils Sødal in NAF asks people to plan their trips a little better now that it is so cold. Photo: Kjartan Rørslett / news It is also possible to “prepare” the car before the trip at home. – It may be a good idea to preheat the battery and the passenger compartment while you are plugged in at home, because then you use electricity from the mains to get a warm car and a warm battery, and then the range can be maintained better. NAF also highlights these tips: It is wise to drive economically to save electricity. Avoid sudden acceleration, maintain a steady speed and let off the gas early instead of having to brake hard. Electric cars have different driving modes, and the car uses less electricity if you choose the car’s eco programme. The air conditioning system is among the functions that draw the most electricity of the comfort functions. How hot do you really need it to be? It is important to have the correct pressure in the tyres. Then it rolls more easily and the power consumption is lower. If you drive with a roof box on the car, consumption increases by around 10 per cent. If you can avoid the motorway and instead choose a route with a lower speed, you will save electricity. More electric car advantages Although it sounds like electric cars are not suitable when it gets as cold as now, Sødal highlights several positive qualities that electric vehicles have even on the coldest days. – It starts much easier, since only one or two electric motors have to be started. It’s like turning on a PC. With a diesel car, you have to start a cold diesel engine, where everything is cold and tough. For the same reason, you also get heat in the passenger compartment faster. – And then you actually have better driving characteristics in winter, since you have weight on the drive wheels in the form of the battery that is located in the center of the car, says Sødal.
