– Now I can have a better Christmas than I ever hoped for – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Knut Ragnar Hegseth Bakke gave poverty a face when he took part in the Debate on Tuesday. He said that he had ten kroner left in his account, and that he was looking forward to Christmas. – The winter for me is going to be hard. All I want for Christmas is a Christmas card and an eraser to polish out the guidelines on the drawings when I draw with a pencil, he said in Debatten. At first, Ap refused to stand in the Debate. Now Renate gets to tell Marte Mjøs Persen about her poverty. But now he has hope for Christmas. – I am incredibly grateful for all the warmth that has come from people in the last 24 hours, says Bakke to news. He is clearly touched when he talks about all the consideration he has received. People have, among other things, sent Christmas cards and tipped money. – I have also received erasers. Now I can have a better Christmas than I had ever hoped for, says Bakke. – Absolutely incredible Knut Ragnar Hegseth Bakke has struggled with severe anxiety, depression, panic attacks and heart problems for large parts of his life. Two years ago, he had to say goodbye to his job. The former taxi driver had become disabled. This summer he lost his roommate to cancer. Life was more difficult without Tone. YOU AND ME: Knut Ragnar Hegseth Bakke was together with his girlfriend Tone for 12 years before she died of cancer in the summer of 2022. Photo: Screen dump In addition to the grief, he had to deal with the transition from two to one income. As disability benefits, he is paid NOK 18,748 a month, including bus allowance. After housing expenses, electricity and food, this is the sum he has left in his account: LIVING IN POVERTY: Once a month, Knut Ragnar receives food from the Salvation Army. Graphics: news – I have nine kroner and 99 øre, said Bakke in the Debate. – I’m so sick of sausages, but that’s what I can afford to buy. On Thursday I treated myself to a Grandiosa. Then it was four months since I last ate a pizza, he added. Now Bakke tells about people who have brought food to his door. – Oda brought two boxes of food to the door today, neighbors bring dinners. It is absolutely incredible, he says. Over a hundred messages His voice breaks when he tells about everyone who has made contact. – I don’t know how to thank everyone, he says. ART: Knut Ragnar Hegseth Bakke posts his drawings on the Instagram account @artbyknapstruper. Portrait, birds, tree and two ladies kissing each other. Photo: Screenshot He finds peace when he draws. Then he forgets time and place. On the Instagram account @artbyknapstruper, he shows off his art, which helps him in many ways. Now he has got an eraser that he wanted to polish out the guide lines on the drawings when he draws with a pencil. He says he has received hundreds of messages in his inbox. – I would love to thank every single one of them, but that is simply not possible. But I hope people read this case and understand that I am grateful, says Bakke.
