Now Hilde Cecilie can buy Christmas food, shop for Christmas presents and celebrate Christmas with her children – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It is absolutely fantastic that there are so many wonderful people. I am so moved. Hilde Cecilie Olsen gets happy in her voice and warms her heart when she tells about what has happened to her in the last few days. Last week she stood up and told news what it was like not being able to afford to celebrate Christmas, and not being able to buy Christmas food or presents for the children. She said it hurt and she felt like a failure as a mom. It triggered an avalanche of good helpers in the days that followed. – I have received many inquiries, at least 15, from people who want to help me, so that I can celebrate Christmas properly. Several of them have given several thousand kroner. So now I have bought both presents and Christmas food, and what the children wanted. Hilde Cecilie Olsen is grateful for all the helpers who have come her way. Photo: Frode Meskau / news Helper: – Simple decision One of the good helpers is Endre Haugrud in Brumunddal. He reacted quickly when he was presented with her pre-Christmas situation. – It was actually a very simple decision. Hearing her story touched me to the core. When a person with three children is broke and in need just before Christmas, it makes an impression. Endre Haugrud is glad he had the opportunity to help Hilde Cecilie Olsen with a few kroner. He thinks Hilde Cecilie is brave, who stood up and told so naked what it is like to struggle with the finances and the Christmas preparations. He is just happy that he had the opportunity to contribute. – I don’t have many close people around me myself, so helping her was something I wanted and could do. It is good to hear that she is now doing better. Poverty before Christmas 2023 One in five Norwegians may drop all or part of this year’s Christmas celebrations due to poorer finances. More than one in three parents answer that Christmas will be more difficult this year due to poorer finances and many are unable to protect their children 43 percent of those who answer that Christmas will be difficult think the children will notice this 10 percent will skip meals on Christmas 13 percent have to ask family and friends for financial help 27 percent want to be less social at Christmas 29 percent skip traveling to family and friends at Christmas Source: The Salvation Army Red Cross: Glad for all the warmth Hilde Cecilie has previously received help from the Red Cross because of her demanding situation. Life Berit Karlsen in the Red Cross is deeply happy on Hilde Cecilie’s behalf. – It is absolutely fantastic that she is now facing an easier Christmas than what she first feared. It’s nice that there is so much warmth out there, that people want to contribute. Life Berit Karlsen in Red Cross Innlandet is grateful that many people want to help those who are having a hard time now before Christmas. Photo: Frode Meskau / news She hopes the case will trigger even more and bigger waves of generosity and humanity. – The Red Cross as an organization wants to help as many people as possible, so we hope that those who were moved and affected by her story can help us to also help others. Endre Haugrud also hopes that many will contribute with concrete action in what are tight and vulnerable times for many. – I hope there are more people like me who want to help, and that both Hilde Cecilie and the children can have a nice Christmas, with gifts and food. And the greatest joy one can have is making others happy. Both Hilde Cecilie and the children can now have high expectations for the Christmas season. Both food and gifts are now in place. Photo: Frode Meskau / news – Can’t say thank you enough. Hilde Cecilie is glad she came forward and told her story, even if she was a little embarrassed beforehand. She says that there have also been some negative comments, but she says all the positives more than make up for the negatives. – Several people have said that I am very strong for going through this, and showing what it is like to struggle. They have wished me a Merry Christmas and said they hope I get help. She feels a great sense of gratitude. – Every time there were inquiries, I was so moved. I can’t say thank you enough. And now Christmas can finally come to the home, for both young and old. – I hope Christmas will bring happiness and joy. Now we can have an absolutely fantastic Christmas. Are you worried about the economy now before Christmas? No, I have decent finances and I see that things will work out. Well, it’s tighter than usual, but it has to work somehow. Yes a little. I can only buy the bare essentials. Yes, I can’t afford anything special for Christmas this year. Show result
