Now Boris Johnson can lose power – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Monday, it became clear that a motion of censure was being directed against Boris Johnson as party leader for the Conservative Party in Britain. Thus, his political career is at stake. If he is thrown out as party leader, he must also resign as prime minister. The vote will be held tonight, between 19 and 21 Norwegian time. Why is it being voted on? The background is the criticism Johnson has received for his participation in the so-called “partygate” scandal. Former Secretary of Health Steve Brine recently filed a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister. Several have joined in and sent their statements to the Conservative parliamentary group, the 1922 committee. The motion of censure was announced by the chairman of the 1922 Committee, Sir Graham Brady. Photo: NIKLAS HALLE’N / AFP The chairman of the committee, Sir Graham Brady, was able to announce today that he has received letters of no confidence from at least 15 percent of the committee. 15 percent – 54 parliamentarians – is what is needed to get a vote on confidence in Johnson as party leader. On Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson received a no-confidence motion against him from his party colleagues. The vote will take place on Monday evening. The parliamentary group has 359 members. 180 votes thus constitute a majority. Does Johnson have to go? – It is difficult to say anything about the probability that Johnson will get a majority against him. This is what political scientist and researcher Øivind Bratberg says. He has British politics as one of his areas of interest. There are no ongoing polls here. But Bratberg thinks most parliamentarians make an assessment with the next election in mind. – It is not the case that a large part of those politicians owe him their eternal allegiance. It is an assessment of whether it is a good solution or not to have Boris Johnson as leader. When do we get the result? Voting will take place between 19 and 21, Norwegian time. It’s a secret choice. Conservative MPs deliver their folded ballot papers in a ballot box. We get the result already tonight, says Bratberg. – It is quite quick to count up. The last time, with Theresa May, it took an hour after the voting was over, then you got the result. What happens next? If there is a majority to keep Boris Johnson as party leader, everything will continue as before. According to party rules, he can then not be exposed to a new no-confidence motion next year. If there is a majority against Johnson, he must resign both as party leader and prime minister. But he remains in office until the party has found a new leader. It may take a while. – What happens is that there is a series of votes internally in the parliamentary group, according to the elimination method, Øivind Bratberg explains. – They will continue to do so until there are two candidates left, and then all party members in the depths of the people will be allowed to vote on which of the two they want. Who takes over? There is no clear rival who is ready to take the party further in another direction, Bratberg says. Should there be a replacement, he thinks the party will emphasize getting a morally straight-backed leader. – One who is competent and serious, and who you can trust that no new scandals will follow. I think that type of candidacy will stand strong.
