Now 1 in 5 Norwegian students say that they use ChatGPT for school work – news Culture and entertainment

In just a few months, the chatbot ChatGPT has gone from being a fun toy to a serious tool. – I use it very often, almost all the time, to be honest with you. That’s what Patryk Benedikt Mydel at Danielsen upper secondary school in Bergen says. Among a representative sample of young people between the ages of 15 and 24, 1 in 5 (18%) say that they use ChatGPT for school work weekly. This is revealed by the report Medietrender Ung 2023, which is presented by Kantar media this week. Oscar Flaktveit Holmsen and Patryk Benedikt Mydel (th) at Danielsen upper secondary school in Bergen are not surprised by the ChatGPT figures for Kantar media. Photo: Mariann Reikerås / news What is ChatGPT? Artificial intelligence assistant, programmed to help answer questions and solve problems Developed by Open Ai, founded by Sam Altman and Elon Musk in 2015 Uses machine learning of language models to produce text Has missing information after 2021 Speaks all languages, including Norwegian Free forward Because there are no national guidelines on the use of the tool in schools, pupils in Norwegian schools are free to do so. It is problematic, says senior lecturer Siv Sørås Valand at Sandvika upper secondary school. – I am worried that they do not get enough training in developing independent writing skills, if they use ChatGPT when they are not supposed to use it, she says to news . Lecturer Siv Sørås Valand is concerned that services such as ChatGPT will stand in the way of students’ learning. Photo: Privat She is the leader of the National Association for Norwegian Education, and already wrote a letter of concern to Storting politicians in November. But so far there have been no guidelines for how the school should adopt, or slow down, the use of the service. – It is important to develop good digital judgement. In the Ministry of Education, they say that it is important to set up support systems for teachers, but also that students learn about and with artificial intelligence – so that they develop good digital judgement. – We have a great understanding of the concerns linked to artificial intelligence, and we do not know how it will affect us in the future, says State Secretary Sindre Lysø (Ap) to news. State Secretary Sindre Lysø (Ap) in the Ministry of Education says that teachers need support systems to meet artificial intelligence in schools, and that this is something that will be prepared in the future. Photo: Jens Driveklepp He says the infrastructure will be important, so that the teachers and schools have control over what the students submit. – The answer is that we have to work together across the school to find the best way to deal with this. I’m absolutely sure we can do that. “ChatGPT becomes like an assistant teacher” – There are many in the class who use it, either as a source or to answer assignments, says Henriette Harkestad Alvheim at Bergen Cathedral School. In the survey conducted by Kantar media, young people were asked what they use ChatGPT for. Then some answer that they get help to understand difficult language or to find sources on topics in school assignments. Others answer that they use it to create summaries or abbreviations of long texts. In the survey, several also answered that they use ChatGPT to solve entire tasks. Some of the students news meets in Bergen also say that it is not appropriate to use the tool. – I feel it would be a bit of a cheat if I were to let the PC write it for me. – Most impressed by the teachers Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Technology and Informatics at NTNU, Inga Strümke, follows developments closely. She tells news that many teachers contact her and say that neither management nor politicians can tell them how to use ChatGPT. AI expert and associate professor, Inga Strümke at NTNU, says she is impressed by the teachers because they are forced to deal with services such as ChatGPT. Photo: Mona Hauglid – I have a lot of sympathy for the teachers right now, and it is probably the professional group I am most impressed with these days, because they have been forced to deal with this, she says. She says that there is potential for this technology in schools, but: – Someone has to take responsibility. According to Strümke, technology can increase segregation in society. – It can increase the difference between people. Therefore, politicians or the education authority must lay down national guidelines. Sindre Lysø in the Ministry of Education tells news that the Directorate of Education is in the process of preparing competence packages that the teachers and staff in the school can use. – There you will get inspiration and tips on how to approach artificial intelligence in the classroom.
