– Not surprisingly – news Troms and Finnmark

– If I had to make a choice today, I would go against electrification, says Marius Johansen from Hammerfest municipality about electrification of the gas plant on Melkøya. – There is an electricity situation in the entire region that could potentially worsen, Johansen says about the reason he is saying no today. Marius Johansen is thus part of the majority in Finnmarks. In a survey carried out by news, over 66 per cent of the over a thousand respondents answered that they say no to the electrification of Melkøya. There were 15.7 per cent who answered that they wanted electrification of the facility for receiving and processing natural gas from the Snøhvit field in the Barents Sea. Bettina Larsson from Hammerfest wants to be neutral on this issue, but she is among those who lean towards a yes to electrification. – Actually, I’m for more sustainability, so actually I’m in favor, says Larsson. Bettina Larsson from Hammerfest is for more sustainability, and in that context is positively disposed to the electrification of Melkøya. Photo: Sunniva Hadland Bøthun / news Facts about the survey Conducted by: InFact AS Population: Finnmark, residents aged 18+ Number of interviews: 1005 Weighting: Gender, age, party election 2021 Margin of error: Maximum +/- 3.0% points applies to the total sample Method: InFact automatic telephone interviews Period: 13 April 2023 Great commitment Last week the Storting majority asked the government to make its own assessments of whether carbon capture and storage (CCS) is possible at the gas plant on Melkøya. It is a joint proposal that all the opposition parties collectively stand behind, and thus also got a majority in the Storting. – It is the power situation in Finnmark that is the starting point for the problem. With this proposal, we want to ensure that the government looks to a greater extent at alternatives to taking power from land into use, said Frps Terje Halleland to NTB. Former mayor of Hammerfest municipality, Marianne Sivertsen Næss (Ap), currently sits in the Storting. Sivertsen Næss is head of the energy and environment committee at the Storting. Photo: Allan Klo / news Leader of the energy and environment committee in the Storting, Marianne Sivertsen Næss (Ap), is not surprised by the clear opposition to electrification of Equinor’s gas plant in her home municipality. Sivertsen Næss notices that this case creates a great deal of involvement in Finnmark. – It is understandable that you get such a result, because as the case is in the public discourse, it goes beyond all other social and business development in the region. It is also feared that other future jobs may be lost, says Sivertsen Næss. Næss says that she, too, is concerned if the electrification of Melkøya leads to a deficit in power and high electricity prices in the north. – We must find a solution both to ensure operations and cut emissions, and which ensures growth and development in the rest of Finnmark and the region. If we don’t get it done, it will be difficult to work for the electrification of Melkøya. Must postpone electrification Lebesby municipality is one of several municipalities that will notice a future power deficit. The municipality in East Finnmark has both energy-intensive smolt plants and salmon farming, and they want more industry in the coming years. Business in the municipality will therefore have a great need for more electrical power. Mayor Sigurd Rafaelsen (Ap) says he believes the survey shows that the population is concerned about power shortages and high prices as a result of electrification. Rafaelsen believes the government must wait to electrify Melkøya until Finnmark and Northern Norway have enough electricity. – The solution to that is to develop more power and to postpone electrification until you have available power for other industries. Heidi Anita Lindkvist Holmgren is county leader of the Center Party in Finnmark. She is not surprised by the results of the survey. Photo: Mariam Eltervåg Cissé / news More options must be explored County leader of the Center Party in Finnmark, Heidi Anita Lindkvist Holmgren, from Honningsvåg in Nordkapp municipality is also not surprised by the result of news’s ​​survey. It is in line with what Finnmark Sp believes, says Lindkvist Holmgren, who is clear that this is the position of the party in Finnmark. – Everyone is concerned with a climate report, but you have to have several thoughts in your head at the same time. We have to investigate several alternatives, including carbon capture, says Sp leader in Finnmark Holmgren believes it is not tenable that Equinor argues that carbon capture and storage is too expensive. – We do not support choices that put companies and the population in the north in an unsustainable situation with no electricity available. Great commitment Holmgren says she feels that this case engages both people and businesses throughout Finnmark. – Electricity and electricity prices are something that preoccupies people. It is then quite natural that people are concerned about whether we will end up in a state of emergency if Melkøya is to be electrified with shore power. – I always think that it is very good that surveys are carried out. It gives us politicians a guide on what needs to be done. And it is important that you listen to the strong signal from Finnmark and the rest of the country that you cannot use shore power to electrify Melkøya. Deputy mayor of Alta municipality, Jan Martin Rishaug (Sp), took part in the debate about carbon capture on Melkøya on Helgemorgen at the weekend. He believes that electrification of the gas plant in the neighboring municipality of Hammerfest must become a reality. Photo: Erlend Hykkerud / news – A big mistake Jan Martin Rishaug is leader of the Alta Center Party. The local politician says the opinion poll was as expected, but he had thought the majority against would be even higher. – It is gratifying that people have realized that it is a big mistake to take energy from existing and future businesses in Finnmark. Rishaug believes the politicians must listen to the population in this matter. – We cannot start by emptying the network before we build a new network. We have planned wind power plants in eastern Finnmark. If we can build a 420 kV power line to the east, we would have new power into the grid. That’s the way to go.
