Norwegians prioritize summer holidays despite tighter economy, travel agency reports record sales – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary Summary: Despite a tighter private economy, Norwegians place a high priority on holidays. Travel sales have increased by 20 per cent compared to the same time last year, according to travel agencies. Private economist Eldar Rønning believes that Norwegians are good at tightening up on other things in order to be able to afford holidays and travel. Most popular destinations are around the Mediterranean, with Crete, Mallorca, Rhodes, Turkey and Cyprus at the top of the list. There is a growing demand for smaller and more untouched destinations. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – It may seem that holidays are high on the priority list, despite the fact that many people have tighter personal finances. That’s what Ving’s communications manager, Marie-Anne Zachrisson, says. She says that they already sell many trips to holiday-ready Norwegians. Selling more trips than last year – There is no doubt that Norwegians want to go abroad this summer, says communications manager at Apollo, Beatriz Rivera The first week of February, sales had risen by 20 per cent, compared to the same week the previous year. It is, according to Rivera, a new sales record. – We cannot see that the current economic situation affects our travel choices to any great extent, she says. TUI has also sold 20 per cent more trips from Norway this year than last year. Anne Mørk-Løwengreen in TUI says that sales of holiday trips have completely taken off. Photo: TUI – It’s going to be a hot summer, says Anne Mørk-Løwengreen in TUI. She says the long and cold winter has had a direct effect on sales. – There is no doubt about that. The winter holidays are almost sold out, and the summer sales have taken off How badly can we really afford it? The travel companies therefore have no problems selling off foreign trips, even though many feel that their finances are a little tighter. Eldar Rønning is a private economist at Sparebank 1 SMN. He believes Norwegians are good at tightening up on other things, in order to be able to afford holidays and travel. – The whole point of making money is to spend it on things. And we see that Norwegians are very keen to save for holiday trips. Photo: Thomas Bergvoll Alstad / news – But how badly can we really afford it? – Some notice greatly increased costs and increased interest, but I also think that people have adapted to the new reality, so they are a little stricter with their consumption, says Rønning. It’s worth it On the streets of Trondheim you will find several travel-loving Norwegians – some have already booked their holiday, while others have plans to work. – This summer I have planned not to work. I’m going on summer vacation for a whole month, so it’s going to be lovely. We are also going to Spain for a week, says Ingrid Darell Holm. She and her boyfriend, Jens Marius Waagø, like to travel and say it is a high priority. – It is partly because we can do it while we are young, says Holm. – Yes, it’s a bit about prioritizing and saving on other items, adds Waagø. Ingrid Darell Holm and Jens Marius Waagø Photo: Thomas Bergvoll Alstad / news For students Olav Halleraker and Birk Bjørnaa, work is on the agenda. – It won’t be a trip south for me, says Bjørnaa. – We are students after all, so I think we have poor finances anyway. You notice that there is a little less to mess with, adds Halleraker. Mona Helness, on the other hand, gets to go to Sicily with her family this year. – They are going to rent a house there, so I will go with them. Olav Halleraker, Birk Bjørnaa and Mona Helness. Photo: Thomas Bergvoll Alstad / news The Mediterranean still rules And it is precisely the destinations around the Mediterranean that are the most popular. Crete, Mallorca, Rhodes, Turkey and Cyprus sit at the top of the list, this year as last year, according to both Tui, Ving and Apollo. Many Norwegians yearn for warmer regions. Photo: ENRIQUE CALVO At Apollo, eight out of ten of those who have booked a trip have chosen Greece as their destination. Nevertheless, Beatriz Rivera says that they have experienced increasing demand for smaller and more untouched destinations. – It is probably mainly based on the fact that we prefer the genuine and personal, versus the international and commercial – but it is clear that the economic aspect here probably also plays a role. TUI has seen increased interest in countries such as Turkey, Bulgaria, Albania and Montenegro, preferably in June and August. – These are countries where Norwegians get more for their money than in the traditional Euro countries. This is what Anne Mørk-Løwengreen at TUI says and concludes: – Norwegians do not let the economic situation prevent them from traveling abroad, but it seems that some choose slightly different destinations and slightly different travel times than they might otherwise have done .
