Norwegians killed in hotel attack in Somalia – Latest news – news

22 August 2022 at 17:19 Norwegians killed in hotel attack in Somalia The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received information that Norwegian citizens were killed during the terrorist attack in Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, on Friday and Saturday. This is confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to news. – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received information that Norwegian citizens have been killed in the terrorist attack on Hotel Hayat in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu. We are also investigating whether Norwegian citizens may have been injured in the attack, writes the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in an e-mail to news. It was VG who first mentioned the case. The next of kin have been notified, according to the newspaper. Due to local conditions, it will take time to get the information confirmed, but according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they are in contact with local authorities in Mogadishu. – The security situation in Somalia is demanding. We have very limited opportunities to assist Norwegian citizens in Somalia, they write.
