Norwegians give away cars and fire engines – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I felt that we had to do something more than just shake things up. The first thing he and his wife did after buying a new car was to give away the family car they already owned. – At the start of the war, I saw on TV a pregnant woman being carried out of a bombed-out hospital. That was the beginning of help from Thomas Velle to firefighters in Ukraine. In early April, he bought the car down to the war-torn country for the first time. In the column on the way down, there were several Norwegian fire engines, and that made an impression on him. – You go out of the customs zone and on the other side there are trenches, everyone has Kalashnikovs and military uniforms. Thomas Velle and his wife gave away the former family car to Ukrainian firefighters. Photo: private Knows a positive feeling The camp they came to was a closed child welfare institution. In the area, there were orphaned children, but also firefighters. Ukraine has lost over 1,700 fire trucks in the war with neighboring Russia. – They are incredibly grateful, because they have no alternative. When they get good machines and tools that can save lives, it is important to them. On Saturday, he is on his way with the sixth column of fire trucks from Norway to Ukraine. The organization Norwegian Ukrainian Fire and Ambulance Support is behind it. – Knowing that we have done what we can to enable them to save lives down there, that is the positive feeling I feel now. Ukrainian firefighters put out fires with Norwegian equipment Photo: Norwegian Ukrainian Fire and Ambulance Support Hoping for support from the state He works in the Directorate for Community Safety and Emergency Preparedness. Velle knows how important fire crews, fire trucks and the right equipment are when fires are to be extinguished and people are rescued from collapsed buildings. – At the start, I thought it would be a short-lived war. It wasn’t to be. We have set up a marathon to provide help over a long period of time, he says. When the cars have arrived, the organization has delivered 46 fire engines and ambulances to the war-torn country. In addition, the organization has sent four semi-trailers with equipment for fire and rescue. The organization is now preparing six to seven new cars, thanks to private actors, companies and various Norwegian municipalities. – We would like to have some diesel kroner from the state. It deserves this commitment, says Thomas Velle.
