Norwegians arrested for cocaine smuggling in Australia – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The two men were arrested on Wednesday a week ago. The smuggling attempt is said to have taken place in the port city of Newcastle in New South Wales. The Norwegians are said to have been exposed in a police operation on the night of Wednesday, when they allegedly carried out a dive to retrieve cocaine from the forest on a boat. The police are said to have discovered them using floodlights. According to Australian media, the men must have managed to flee the scene, but were arrested nearby the same afternoon. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms – We are aware that there are two Norwegian citizens imprisoned in Australia. The embassy in Canberra helps with consular assistance, press spokesperson Ane Haavarsdatter Lunde in the Foreign Ministry tells VG. The two men in their 30s and 50s have both denied being involved in cocaine smuggling. The penalty for smuggling 82 kilograms into Australia can be life in prison. The two remain in custody until further notice. Australian prosecutors believe they are part of an organized criminal network.
