Norwegian victory at the relay in Ruhpolding – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It’s so easy!, exclaimed Marte Olsbu Røiseland as she passed news on her way to celebrate the victory after Tandrevold had secured the victory in the last shooting. She was a major contributor to Norway winning the relay in Ruhpolding, but everything could have unraveled in the second leg. Because there Ragnhild Femsteinevik struggled to stand. On the first shooting, she missed three times. But she hit all the extra shots. In the standing shooting, she missed twice more, and on the first extra shot. But even then she kept her cool and avoided the penalty round. – I’m happy that I didn’t end up in the round, but it was too bad shooting. I tried to keep calm and managed OK, at least, says Femsteinevik to TV 2. news’s ​​commentator was very impressed by Femsteinevik. – It is almost a miracle, exclaimed news’s ​​commentator Andreas Stabrun Smith. – She uses the entire quota with extra shots, but Norway is barely keeping up, said Smith when Femsteinevik went out to her final round. Teammate Karoline Knotten was watching on the sidelines, and was impressed by her teammate’s composure. – When you are first in that situation, she is ice cold. We avoid a penalty round. I am very pleased with the podium, Karoline Knotten told news after her stage while Femsteinevik continued to walk. VICTORY: The Norwegian relay team celebrates victory in Ruhpolding. – Røiseland is back For Marte Olsbu Røiseland, who ran an unusual third stage, ran a great race. Both standing and lying down, Røiseland was back to his old shooting form, and shot ten out of ten hits quickly. – Marte Olsbu Røiseland is back! What she delivers on the stand is top level, says Smith. Røiseland has struggled with illness for much of the season, and his cross-country form is not quite back. She led Norway into the lead until the last changeover, but Germany came chasing behind and gained many seconds on Røiseland. – Are there shortcuts here in Ruhpolding?, Smith asked ironically when he saw how fast the German woman was walking. EXHAUSTED: Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold had to lie down after taking everything out on the last stage. Photo: Hanne Skjellum / news Tandrevold secures victory It wasn’t just Røiseland that delivered fantastic shooting for Norway. Because so did Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold. Ten out of ten hits, and a superb relay victory for the Norwegian women. – Fantastic series by Tandrevold, is the conclusion of Ola Lunde. Norway was one of the favorites to reach the podium, but was not the biggest favorite to be at the top of the podium. Sports director Per Arne Botnan was not surprised by the victory. – No, I’m not surprised. We had hoped to fight for the podium and victory today. But it’s fun when it’s like today. We were a bit behind at the start, so it’s extra nice to win, says Botnan to news.
