Norwegian, Swedish and Danish rescue services search for Norwegians by boat – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The main rescue center announced on Twitter around 15.10 that the man had been found: “The Swedish sea rescue service has confirmed the discovery of the missing person’s boat. The plaintiff is also confirmed locally dead in connection with the wreck. Finds were made on #Norra_Väderöarna. Effort ends ». – I called Sola (Hovedredningssentralen Sør-Norge, editor’s note) immediately after he was found, at 14.36, says rescue leader Anders Lännholm in the Swedish rescue service to news. The boat itself was located about an hour and a half before it was found. They then lay with the bottom up. – It was just below sea level, so it was difficult to see. It was onshore wind, and the boat had drifted inland. We saw early on that it was the right boat, because it has some visible signs that are unusual. Light on land As the boat had drifted towards land, there was a theoretical chance that he had come ashore. Therefore, they ordered a helicopter from the Main Rescue Center, which applied with a thermal camera. – Eventually we sent divers into the wreck. And he was then found inside the boat, says Lännholm. The man, who has now been found dead, is from Fredrikstad. He left Hvaler on Wednesday morning. Thursday morning he was in Grebbestad in Sweden. It is the last reliable information about him and the boat’s position, before he was found. – There was a gale in the area, and there were waves up to six meters high. It is of course difficult to say for sure, but it indicates that the boat has capsized as a result. Relatives have been notified He was going to Skagen, but it was windy and the sea was high. This was said by Lars Nilsson, air rescue leader at the Swedish Maritime Administration’s sea and air rescue center in Sweden earlier today. – What I can say, as we have written on Twitter, is that he was found in the boat wreck, says Hovedredningssentralen to news. What is the reason why the boat has sunk, the Main Rescue Center will not speculate. – He was found in an island area, is the last operator at the Main Rescue Center Southern Norway has time to say before she has to hang up. The relatives have been notified. Reported missing on Friday It was Friday afternoon that the man was reported missing by the family. The first thing that was done was to try to get in touch via Norwegian and Swedish coastal radio and mobile, said Owe Frøland, rescue leader for HRS Southern Norway. The lifeboat on Hvaler searched several islands. Their crews were also ashore on several smaller islands to look for the man there. A Norwegian rescue helicopter and a Swedish coastal surveillance aircraft checked on Friday afternoon and evening in the sea areas between Norway and Sweden. New searches on Saturday A Norwegian rescue helicopter was deployed in the search on Saturday. They searched both on the Norwegian side and down towards Fjällbacka on the Swedish side. A Swedish Coast Guard aircraft has also participated in the search. Sjöräddningssällskapet Fjällbacka has been out by boat and light in the area.
