Norway won WC bronze in the team competition in jumping – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

Norway was on the hunt for gold during Saturday’s women’s team competition, but in the end had to settle for bronze. They thus copied the feat from the previous World Cup, when it was also third place for the Norwegian team. During the competition, news’s ​​viewers noticed something a little special in the preliminary race. Because while the jumpers came running down the edge of the jump, you could see a long line of men lined up along the track. “What are they doing?” asked an observant viewer, who also pointed out that they were holding a large white cloth. news’s ​​expert Johan Remen Evnsen was quick to respond. – They shield the track, so that it does not melt, he could explain. The jumpers had noted that there was a little more suction in the track in the preliminary race on Saturday compared to earlier in the championship, and the many men did their part to preserve the quality of the track. Thriller round After the first half only 1.5 points separated Germany, with Japan and Slovenia chasing only a few points further back. – You can feel it, said national team coach Christian Meyer about the tension before the medals were to be handed out. Norway was among the biggest favorites in the race. If you had added up the scores of the Norwegian jumpers from the opening race in the normal hill, only Germany was stronger. Maren Lundby opened with a jump of 95 meters in the final round, but despite a good jump, the gap to Austria increased by seven points. Eirin Maria Kvandal has fought back from a knee injury, but is still struggling with the after-effects. The 21-year-old is unable to set a normal impact, which she is penalized for when the judges have to set marks. Lundby praises that her team-mate still does everything for Norway, despite the injury. – That shows respect, because he is still struggling with what has happened. From that point of view, it is tough that she is standing up today, she says of her teammate. After Kvandal’s 91.5 meter long jump, Austria also snuck past Norway on the results lists. Thus, Thea Minyan Bjørseth and Anna Odine Strøm had to deliver at their best if Norway was to have a chance at the gold. – It’s really exciting. It’s so even, so here it will be a battle right up to the last jump, Lundby told news before the last ones left the edge of the jump. Bjørseth flapped his arms a little dejectedly after his last jump of 93.5 metres, but Norway got back up to 2nd place. However, the gap to Germany had become almost impossible to close, and a long-awaited gold seemed out of reach. Germany eventually won the gold ahead of Austria.
