Norway does not get speaking time at the UN chief’s climate summit – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Earlier, UN Secretary-General António Guterres stated that only those countries that have credible plans for restructuring their fossil industries will be allowed to speak. Norway is not on the list, but Denmark and Iceland are. news has not spoken to Jonas Gahr Støre after the list became known, but when asked about the case earlier he replied: – It’s a shame we didn’t get it. Norway is now carrying out measures on climate policy that will take us over in renewables, and that will get climate financing up and running, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) to news in New York. It has been unclear whether Norway got speaking time It has been uncertain who got speaking time at the meeting with the UN Secretary-General. Only 50 countries will be allowed to participate, “if they have something concrete to contribute”, as the invitation says. When asked if it would be embarrassing if Norway did not get to say anything, climate and environment minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap) replied – Most countries will not speak at this meeting, I would not say it would be that embarrassing, but we think it would be reasonable if he asks us to contribute, says the minister. The Climate Ambition Summit will be held at the UN headquarters on Wednesday.
