Norway and China signed agreement on closer climate cooperation – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Tuesday morning Norwegian time, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang signed a declaration on closer cooperation on the green shift. – China is absolutely crucial for the success of the green shift. Norway has cooperated with China on climate and the environment for around 30 years, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. – I am happy that we have now put in place an overall framework that can better facilitate good cooperation in this area, he says. Thinks collaboration is important Gørild Heggelund is a senior researcher at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute. She researches China’s climate policy. – This agreement is very positive. We should continue to cooperate with and engage with China, and have a dialogue on energy and climate issues, she says. A coal-fired power plant in Zhangjiakou. The picture is from 2021. Photo: GREG BAKER / AFP/NTB Heggelund points out that China is the world’s largest emitter of CO₂, methane and other greenhouse gases. That is why she believes it is important that we cooperate with China on climate. – It is also a particularly important time to enter into a climate agreement with China now, as China’s cabinet came up with new and more ambitious carbon and climate targets this summer, which set the agenda for further work on climate in China, she says . Hope to open doors in China The agreement means that the countries must have closer dialogue and cooperation to reduce greenhouse gases, preserve and restore species diversity, as well as create new green industries and jobs, says a joint statement from Støre and Qiang. – The goal is that Norwegian and Chinese businesses can work more closely together to succeed in the green shift. We hope it can open doors for Norwegian business in China, says Støre. Jonas Gahr Støre shakes hands with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB Arrangements must be made for relevant authorities, companies and organizations to participate in the collaboration. Every other year, a meeting of foreign ministers will be held which will “summarize the progress and set new goals for the cooperation”. – It is new that at the level of foreign ministers, they will meet every two years to summarize the cooperation, which will give this cooperation more weight, says Heggelund. Norwegian business brought along Norway and China have also entered into an agreement of intent which will make it easier for the Ministry of Climate and the Environment to cooperate with the Chinese authorities on the climate challenges. The government says so in a press release. Støre attended an official reception in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing together with Qiang. During the ceremony, a Chinese military band played the Norwegian national anthem. Tuesday is day two of Støre’s visit to China. The visit lasts until Wednesday. Norwegian flags fly at the Great Hall of the People at the Heavenly Peace Square in Beijing. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB He also has representatives from Norwegian business with him on the visit. Among others from Equinor, Kongsberg Maritime, Orkla, LO and NHO. – Several of the Norwegian companies present in China work with green technology and green shipping, says Støre. – The conversations down here can be important for workplaces and employees at home in Norway, and can create new and green jobs. It is also crucial to achieving the climate goals, he says. Trade, international cooperation, China’s support for Russia’s warfare in Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East were also topics when Støre and Qiang met. – We had open and good conversations also in areas where we disagree. From the Norwegian side, the dialogue is based on our interests and values. We stand up for our societal values ​​and international human rights, says Støre. Published 10.09.2024, at 08.23 Updated 10.09.2024, at 10.37
