Norsk Industris expands the investigations into resigned CEO Stein Lier-Hansens – Latest news – news

13 February 2024 at 12:31 Norsk Industris expands the investigations into resigned CEO Stein Lier-Hansens Norsk Industris writes in a press release. Norsk Industri writes in the press release that the board has received new information after the matter became known in the media. The information may indicate that outgoing managing director Stein Lier-Hansen’s disposition of the organisation’s representation funds has been more extensive than first thought, according to Norsk Industri. – The board has therefore now decided to carry out new and extended investigations. The investigations will be carried out with the assistance of external expertise and advisers who report directly to the organisation’s board, says Ståle Kyllingstad, chairman of Norsk Industri. E24 revealed last week that Stein Lier-Hansen, as managing director of Norsk industri, managed a cabin and hunting area on Hardangervidda from 2015 to 2023. An overview published by Norsk industri shows that over NOK 18.2 million was spent over nine years on relationship building in the broadest sense.
