Nordmann confirmed killed in Ukraine – news Troms and Finnmark

– Society is in shock and grief. We have the deepest sympathy for the bereaved. In small local communities, this kind of thing comes close when it happens, says Ibestad mayor Jim Kristiansen to news. The management in Ibestad municipality received a message from the deceased’s next of kin on Tuesday that a young man from the municipality had lost his life in Ukraine. It was iHarstad who first mentioned the death. Strongly affected municipality The mayor says that the incident has shaken the small municipality. – It was with great sadness that we received this. We are a small municipality where everyone knows everyone, so it is clear that this has a particularly strong impact on us, says Kristiansen. The mayor says that he does not know the details of the death, but was informed of the incident by the municipal director on Tuesday afternoon. He says that they were informed by the next of kin. – The municipality stands up with the crisis apparatus we have. All resources, both the crisis team and the psychological service, are ready if the bereaved want it. news has been in contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who say that they cannot comment on the matter until Wednesday morning.
