Nord University is dropping teacher training at the teaching site in Nordland – Bodø and Nesna – news Nordland

The case in summary: The teacher training at Nord University can become online and collection-based due to low numbers of applicants. Only 39 per cent of the places on teacher training courses are filled, and in Bodø the figures are even lower. The university believes it is necessary to adapt to the applicant pool and develop something new. The proposal faces criticism from several quarters, including the Education Association and the Research Association, which believe that it lacks both professional and financial grounding. The critics also believe that the proposal could intensify challenges in mental health and that it could work poorly for young people straight out of upper secondary school. The final decision on the future of teacher education at Nord University will be taken at the board meeting on 26 October. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. At Nord University, a gloomy picture is drawn of the status of teacher education. In total, only 39 percent of the places are filled. In Bodø, the figures are even lower than this. Therefore, the study center will cut the number of study programs for teacher training. In addition, the teacher training must be online and assembly-based. – I would not have chosen such a study if it was collection-based. That’s what Edward Glorud Sveen says, who is in his fifth year of lecturer training at Nord University. – The learning environment is important Glorud Sveen understands that the university is taking this step to promote teacher training. – But precisely having a learning environment is very important for getting through the course, he says. Edward Glorud Sveen comes from Hamar. Therefore, the environment at the teacher training course has been important, among other things, for his social network. Photo: Privat He believes there are many advantages to having the lectures at the university and having a living campus. – You have a reason to get up, meet new people and have an active everyday life. The student teacher understands that others in a different life situation prefer group-based studies. – But I really enjoy classrooms, lectures and meeting new people. Rector: – More applicants for online and collection-based studies But in 2023 Nord University had study places available on 24 different teacher studies. Especially masters in primary school teacher training, but also lecturer training and teacher training in practical and aesthetic subjects are not popular. This is despite the fact that primary school teacher training is the most marketed of all studies at the university. Therefore, the university now believes that it is absolutely necessary to assess the study offers. – It’s about adapting to the applicant base that is on teacher training, and giving us time to develop something new. That’s what Hanne Elenora Solheim Hansen says, rector at Nord University. Hanne Elenora Solheim Hansen, rector at Nord University, says that they are going to announce slightly fewer study places for primary school teacher training in grades 1–7 and 5–10. Photo: Andreas Nilsen Trygstad / news Nord University has primary school teacher training in both Nesna, Bodø and Levanger. They propose that the education offer in Bodø and Nesna be group-based. – Why? – We see that students have preferences for flexible studies. There are slightly more applicants for things that are online and collection-based. The rector at Nord University believes that online and group-based education will also make it easier for the northern part of Nordland to choose teacher training. Photo: Lars-Bjørn Martinsen – What do you think this will do to the great shortage of teachers here in the north? – We have worked thoroughly with recruitment for teacher studies throughout our catchment area. We do everything we can to get applicants for the study places we have, says the rector and adds: – It can be just as important that they belong to the other municipalities in Nordland than Bodø. Trustee: – A declaration of bankruptcy But the proposal from the university receives criticism from several quarters. Because also nationally, there have been fewer applicants for teacher training in recent years. – It would be wrong for Nord University alone to take responsibility for this. There is a national and global problem with a decline in student teachers, says Ragna Hovig Ødegaardshaugen, shop steward in the Education Association. Ragna Hovig Ødegaardshaugen, shop steward in the Education Confederation, is calling for a national strategy drawn up across universities, which includes pedagogues, and not just economists. Photo: Ragna Hovig Ødegaardshaugen / private They believe that the faculty’s proposals for solutions have not been taken into account by Nord University. – We are trying to stop this decision because we believe that the justification does not exist. – There are no other reasons than an assumption that we will have declining numbers of applicants in the future as well, says Hovig Ødegårdshaugen. She points out that the change in the number of applicants has occurred over the course of 4–5 years. – What will happen in the next 4–5 years? It will be a declaration of bankruptcy, I think. Here you just give up before you’ve tried. Forskerforbundet stands behind it and believes that this is an urgent decision that will have consequences five years from now, but which lacks both academic and financial grounding. – Precisely because of their experience, knowledge and expertise in these studies, it would be best to have employees involved in the process, says Per Jarle Bekken of the Association of Researchers at Nord University. They believe that there is a lack of impact assessment for what the rector’s proposal could mean for, among other things, the employees. – Risks failing the social mission – There are several reasons why we are concerned. One thing is recruitment for teachers in Nordland, says Anita Karlsen, leader of the Education Association in Nordland. In addition, she believes the proposal reinforces challenges in mental health that became aware of during the pandemic. – Social competence is one of the most important competences for teachers. Anita Karlsen, head of the Education Association in Nordland, believes that online and community-based teacher education will increase challenges in mental health for student teachers. Photo: Petter Strøm / news – Collection-based studies may work for working adults, but it does not work well for young people straight out of upper secondary who are going to establish an adult life. The proposal therefore makes Karlsen even more worried about recruitment to teacher training. The Nordland Education Association today adopted a statement that Nord University risks failing in its social mission if they go for a downscaling of teacher education. The researchers’ association says that they have also not received a guarantee that the online and collection-based study solution will not involve downsizing, and that it will not apply for more than one year. Photo: Bente H. Johansen – We may well agree that something should be done, but we are one university, so decisions should be made based on research-based knowledge. We cannot let ourselves be ruled by panic, says Hovig Ødegårdshaugen. The leader of the Education Association in Nordland also believes that the headmaster has done too little to hold the necessary discussions with the subject teachers. – I think this came as a great surprise to many. And the rector of the university? She does not disagree. – We have discussed this thoroughly with the faculty management, but we have not had sufficient time to discuss this with all academic staff. – But we have seen that if we are unable to make a decision now, it will delay the start of any revised study program by one year, says Solheim Hansen. The headmaster says that they now want to set up working groups that will work on a new model for teacher training. There she promises that the professional staff will be included. What will actually be the fate of teacher training at Nord University will be decided at the board meeting on 26 October.
