Nord-Norgebanen will cost over 200 billion – it is not recommended to be built in a new report – news Nordland

On Wednesday, the Directorate of Railways presents a new report which has looked at the possibilities for a railway between Fauske and Tromsø. According to news’s ​​experience, the report will show that the costs for building the Nord-Norgebanen have skyrocketed, and that it is not recommended to be built. Several sources inform news. The costs should be calculated at something over NOK 200 billion. Several studies of the railway line have been made in the past. In 1992, 2011, and the last in 2019. Costs have increased all the way for the entire 370 kilometer route. Four years ago, they were estimated at NOK 133 billion, including a side route to Harstad. From what news understands, today’s price tag of 200 billion will only deal with the route between Fauske and Tromsø. Broad support in the Storting The ambition to build a railway to Tromsø has had broad support in the Storting. It was the Labor Party that in 2021 secured a majority for yet another study of the Nord-Norgebanen. – It is about us investing in Northern Norway. There are great values ​​that will help build the country for many years to come. Then we also need sustainable, climate-friendly infrastructure in northern Norway, said parliamentary representative Cecilie Myrseth from Troms. The Center Party, SV and FRP initially wanted to agree that the railway in the north should be realised, and that outside the national transport plan. The Labor Party would not support such a decision. In a concept selection investigation, it is not usually recommended what should be done, but in this case, according to news’s ​​experience, it is recommended not to go ahead with the plans for the Nord-Norgebanen. There must be several reasons for this, sources tell news. The costs of building the Naturingrepene track. Limited passenger traffic in the north. Nord-Norgebanen does not cover the needs of the business community well enough. Would rather prioritize Ofotbanen and Nordlandsbanen Such a clearly negative conclusion comes despite the fact that in this KVU report the Directorate of Railways has been completely free when it comes to route selection and construction stages. It has also been said from several political quarters and it has been desirable from both the Norwegian Railway Directorate and Bane Nor that investments in transport should be reduced, while maintenance should be prioritized. The salmon industry and Seafood Norway must have been clear all along that it is the roads in and out of Narvik, as well as double tracks on the Ofot railway, that are most important to the seafood industry. The seafood industry sends 250,000 tonnes of fresh fish over the Ofot line a year and 100,000 tonnes over the Nordland line. Photo: The Norwegian Railways Directorate New defense situation The war in Ukraine is also said to have influenced the conclusions regarding the construction of the Nord Norgebanen. Sources in the Norwegian Armed Forces tell news that for them it has been clear that the east-west corridor has never been more important now that Finland and probably Sweden are joining NATO. – Double track on the Ofot railway will be more important for the Norwegian Armed Forces in the future, both for moving material over the railway, but also for transporting them out at Narvik Harbour, says a source to news. The defense is not represented during the presentation of the report on Wednesday. But sources in the Norwegian Armed Forces confirm to news that they have contributed to the investigation.
