“Nora” found smoke detectors with hidden cameras in the dormitory – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It is so sick. That’s what student “Nora” says, who in January this year had a real shock when she found a camera in the smoke detector in her bedroom. It was her birthday and she had invited a friend to her dorm. The smoke detector suddenly became a topic, when they noticed that it was not like any others they had seen. “Nora” and her friend did a Google search. The discovery gave her a lump in her stomach. news has chosen to anonymize “Nora”, because the case has not been solved, but has been dropped by the police. Reported On a website, “Nora” and her friend found an alarm that was identical to the one in the dormitory’s ceiling. It didn’t appear to be just any ordinary smoke alarm. news found similar “smoke alarms” on the website Spygadgets.no. It is for sale under the name “Wireless hidden night camera in smoke alarm”. There, the online store writes the following: “ATTENTION! This does not work as a smoke detector, only a hidden camera.” news has been in contact with the online store, which refers to information on its website. It says, among other things, the following: A few days after the incident, “Nora” chose to report the matter to the police. The landlord was called in for questioning by the police. news has given the landlord the opportunity to comment on “Nora’s” claims and asked several questions about the case. He does not answer these, but writes the following to news: “These allegations have been investigated, and I have been questioned by the police. I have explained my experience of the case, and the case has subsequently been dropped. Beyond that, I do not wish to comment on the matter.” – Seemed like bad acting While the case was being investigated, “Nora” still lived in the apartment, which was on the ground floor of the owner. It took on. She was on sick leave. “Nora” says that she chose to take up the matter with the landlord. – I asked the landlord who had set up the smoke detector. The way he responded seemed like bad acting. She therefore had a feeling that it could be the landlord who was behind it. According to “Nora”, he is said to have said that it was the people who built the house who had installed the smoke detector. She says the landlord was not interested in contacting them and that made her even more suspicious. – If I owned a house and found out that the people who built it had installed a camera, I would be really angry. But the landlord just seemed weird and was evasive about the questions I asked. After the incident, she lived a lot at home with her family and had frequent overnight visits from her then-boyfriend. She didn’t feel safe. “Nora” and her friend opened the smoke detector. Photo: private Henla case “Nora” moved out late this summer. In September, she received the message she did not want. The police dropped the case. Agder police say to news that they have investigated what appeared to be a smoke alarm. They concluded that it is only a camera with a memory card. So it wasn’t a smoke alarm. – It has been documented by the police that the memory stick was empty. The police have also questioned the person who had installed the camera, says prosecuting officer Sondre Kristian Halvorsen of the Agder police. – The case has been dropped due to the state of the evidence, because it has not been possible to establish whether the camera has actually been in use, says Halvorsen. “Nora” thinks the closure is sad. – This was very bad for my health. I felt and still feel watched, she says. Illegal The Norwegian Data Protection Authority writes to news that they are not aware of the case and that they cannot comment on individual cases either. They can only comment on a general basis. In an e-mail, communications director Janne Stang Dahl writes that private individuals are not allowed to monitor the private sphere of others, such as tenants and their visitors. – If someone monitors your home or violates your privacy, this can be reported to the police for a breach of the Criminal Code. Hi! Have you experienced something similar to “Nora”, or something else you would like to address after reading this article? Feel free to send me an email.
