Noor ended up in the middle of the knife drama, which the police believe was an attempted murder

The stabbing at Tveita on Tuesday is now being investigated as attempted murder, the Oslo police write in a press release. According to the police, it is a young man in his late teens who was stabbed. He has serious injuries, but his condition is stable. Noor Khan Bhatti dropped off her one-year-old son at the kindergarten located at the Tveita Centre. Soon after, she found herself in a situation she will soon forget. A teenager lay on the ground stabbed, close to his son’s daycare. He needed help. news met Bhatti at the scene where it happened on Tuesday afternoon. The memories from a few hours before are clear. – I see a young boy lying here. And then I realize that it is serious. Noor Khan Bhatti back at the scene. The afternoon rain has washed away the blood from the curb. Photo: Bård Nafstad / news When Bhatti approached the victim, another woman was already putting pressure on the wound. A man had already called for an ambulance. She heard the sound of sirens in the distance. Blood flowed from the young man. – His trousers were soaked in blood. The shoes were also covered in blood. The sight of the victim made her tremble. – He looked like a child. The first thing I thought of was my son. It was Avisa Oslo that first mentioned Bhatti’s experience of the incident. Perpetrator still at large Just before the stabbing, the police received a report of a fight behind the Tveita centre. The perpetrator ran from the scene and the police launched a search with dogs, among other things. The following day, the police have still not found the perpetrator. They believe the stabbing was not random. Now they consider the incident an attempted murder. The police are also asking the public for tips in the case. The police also write that it is too early in the investigation for them to be able to say anything about the background or motive for the stabbing. They also do not know whether it is connected with the other violent incidents in Oslo recently. Police were working at the scene to gather information on Tuesday. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news The desire to help Bhatti helped to ensure that the young man remained conscious. But she and the other helpers were not alone at the scene. Friends of the victim also stood around them, says Bhatti. – The man standing next to me saw everything. He tells the victim’s friends that they must explain themselves to the police. But the victim’s friends denied seeing anything. They told the man that they were not present when the stabbing happened, Bhatti explains. – It seems that these young people do not trust the police. And that they are afraid to talk to the police, because then they will be blamed, she believes. Moved away from the violence Bhatti and the family previously lived at Mortensrud. When their son was born, they decided to move. The family did not want the boy to become part of the criminal circles there. – We thought; we have to go. But now she thinks that the violence she saw in Mortensrud is also elsewhere. – There is no point in running away, because it is a big problem everywhere in Oslo. Then we have to find solutions to the problems; this is not something we can escape from. The day before the stabbing, Bhatti met at a large police station in Haugerud, right by Tveita. – And then this happens today. Police on scene behind Tveita center in Oslo on Tuesday morning after a person was stabbed with what they then called a sharp object. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news Worried about the children On Tuesday afternoon, Bhatti has not yet taken any food after seeing the bloodied young man. She nevertheless appears calm. But the last few weeks of violent incidents in Oslo worry her. – It happens more often in daylight when people are on their way to or from work. Children can witness this. – Did you see any children playing outside when you approached the knife victim? – There were children on their way to kindergarten. It is a popular delivery time just before ten thirty. Fortunately, there were no children playing outside, but that could have easily happened.
