NOK 545 million in fees for price cooperation in the book market – Latest news – news

29 November 2022 at 08:50 NOK 545 million in fines for price collusion in the book market The Competition Authority is imposing fines of a total of NOK 545 million on Norway’s four largest publishers, Gyldendal, Cappelen Damm, Vigmostad & Bjørke and Aschehoug, and Bokbasen for violations of the Competition Act. It is illegal for competitors to share information that could limit competition in a market, writes Finanstilsynet. – Through the investigation, the Norwegian Competition Authority has found a lot of evidence that the publishers have shared competition-sensitive information in a database to which they all had access, says competition director Tina Søreide. – This has given the players a complete overview of each other’s behavior in the market, and may have led to us consumers having to pay higher prices for books.
