No witness interviews of neighbors have yielded results – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

A man in his 50s was found dead on January 2 in the home he shares with a woman in her 40s. Based on what it looked like at the scene, the police quickly concluded that there was reasonable reason to suspect that a murder had been committed, said police attorney Ole Jacob Garder that evening. The woman who has been charged has not yet been found. The police have no evidence in the case as of now that there are other people involved. Neighbors questioned A neighbor news has spoken to says that he heard a strange sound on the night of New Year’s Day. He describes it as someone dragging a pipe behind him. Several witness interviews have been carried out from people who live in the immediate area. Garder tells news on Thursday evening that explanations from neighbors have not provided any concrete help to the investigation. In recent days, the police have searched the area with dogs and drones. On Thursday morning, a search was carried out with a police helicopter, as well as digging in snow piles around the neighbourhood. That job resumed Thursday evening. – No findings this evening, says task leader Thorleif Rustad. They end the searches at 8pm on Thursday evening. The police searched around the house all day. Photo: Theo Aasland Valen / news New information According to Dagbladet, the family had contact with the deceased on 1 January. Garder does not want to comment on when the cohabiting couple gave their last signs of life. – We are getting closer to getting some clarification on that, but are not quite there yet. The police have received the autopsy report of the deceased. But the police prosecutor does not want to comment on it until Friday. On Thursday, there was new information in the case. The police are now keeping the possibility open that there may have been a different course of events than what they have been working on so far. In addition to the theory of murder, the police are investigating whether it could be murder or suicide. They are also investigating whether the woman may have been killed first. The police work outside the house in Stavern. Photo: Philip Hofgaard Works as a teacher The missing and accused woman works as a teacher at Heistad primary school in Porsgrunn. Today, municipal manager Tollef Stensrud and principal Betina Valland Roaas went out with the information to parents at the school. That’s what Porsgrunns Dagblad writes. He tells the newspaper that they have used the time so far to ensure that the colleagues and employees have received the information they need. – Our first priority has been to look after our colleagues and the school’s staff in the best possible way in such a tragic case. Stensrud has previously told news that the woman is a highly respected colleague, and that the message was received with shock and disbelief among the woman’s colleagues.
