No strike among ground crews – Latest news – news

June 21, 2022 at 04:21 No strike among ground crews An agreement has been reached in the mediation on the flight agreement between Fellesforbundet and NHO Luftfart, Fellesforbundet states in a press release. Thus, there will be no strike among ground crews. The agreement entails a general supplement to everyone covered by the agreement of NOK 4 per hour. – We are pleased to have arrived in port after a demanding mediation, with good assistance from the mediator. Now we have come to a solution that gives our members a pay rise that we hope they can give their support to, says negotiator Dag-Einar Sivertsen in Fellesforbundet. If the parties had not agreed, 160 of the Fellesforbundet’s members at the airports in Bergen and Trondheim would have been taken out on strike on Tuesday.
