No requirement for security – news Troms and Finnmark

The fiber cable for TV, telephone and internet to Eastern Finnmark hangs clearly visible and easily accessible under bridges along the E6. – I would say that it is very serious. Not only is the infrastructure completely open. You will be able to sabotage this cable with tools bought at the nearest Jula or Biltema. So says Åse Gilje Østensen, researcher at the Norwegian Defense Academy. She reckons that such important fiber cables are just as poorly secured elsewhere in the country, and fears the consequences of this. A sabotage can mean an almost total break with the outside world. Researcher Åse Gilje Østensen at the Norwegian Defense Academy says that there is an insanely large potential for damage to have an infrastructure like this here. Photo: Defense The breach led to the isolation of municipalities The picture at the top of the case shows the bridge over the Borsejohka on the E6 in Tanadalen in Finnmark. This is a deserted area where, for long periods, a very long time can pass between each passing car. There is a cottage field nearby, but many kilometers to the nearest residential building. news knows with certainty that the fiber cable for internet, telephone and TV is just as vulnerable in several places along the E6. In January 2017, several municipalities in Eastern Finnmark were completely without landline, mobile and internet for over two days due to a break in this connection, of which the cable is a part. The reason at the time was a technical error and a break in a submarine cable. Dangerous breach From the research team, it is maintained that sabotage against the cable will make it much more difficult to communicate. It could cause problems for decision-makers. – It will simply affect our understanding of the situation in this part of the country, says Åse Gilje Østensen. The researcher believes that it is no utopia that Russia could use sabotage against Norway. She refers to what is now happening in Ukraine. – We get daily demonstrations that attacks on communications and other infrastructure have become important for the Russians, in addition to ordinary warfare. Such cables are constantly being attacked. Researcher believes the damage potential of such infrastructure being destroyed is “insane.” Photo: Kai Erik Bull Exposed to espionage The National Communications Authority, NKOM, has produced a report on the vulnerability of internet and mobile coverage in Finnmark. According to the report, the infrastructure is clearly visible and easy to map using openly available information. The report also states: “These are conditions that make the ecom infrastructure in Finnmark more exposed to sabotage, espionage or other intentional incidents.” Fiber connections in Finnmark and breaks There are two fiber connections that go to Eastern Finnmark. One cable is stretched on the plateau to the east, while the other cable runs along the coast. The cable system was characterized by Telenor as a digital highway when the cables were completed and connected in 2009. In the following years, for technical and weather reasons, there have been many and also serious irregularities. In several cases, there have been long-term and extensive breaks in the submarine cable. In a storm five years ago, several municipalities were without telephone and internet connection. At the same time, fishermen were in distress at sea for that reason without communication. Fishermen were therefore dying at sea. Both fiber connections were then out of service. The company Ishavslink AS owns the fiber cable, which is clearly visible under bridges on the E6 in the region. General manager Odd Levy Harjo says that they have taken the measures that it is possible to take to ensure against something happening. This also applies to the cable that hangs freely under the bridge in Borsejohka on the E6 in Tanadalen. Security is well enough taken care of, in Harjo’s opinion. – Data traffic is secured. – So it is secured well enough in your opinion? – Yes, says Odd Levy Harjo. – Large backlog for developing infrastructure Researcher Åse Gilje Østensen at the Norwegian Defense Academy has a different opinion. She calls for a completely different attitude to security. – One must become aware that there is an insanely large potential for damage to have infrastructure in this way, she says. In her opinion, this shows the same thing as the lack of securing gas pipelines at sea: Based on today’s threats, there is a large backlog for safe Norwegian infrastructure. In her opinion, who is responsible for improving this part of security may seem somewhat unclear. There is no doubt that it will cost money. Nor that there is any urgency to do anything. It must be done now, the researcher believes. – Should be as visible as possible Director of Emergency Preparedness at the State Administrator in Troms and Finnmark Ronny Schjeldrup is cautious in his comments. He will not answer directly whether the cable is secured well enough. Nevertheless, he is critical of visibility. – I think the routes for critical infrastructure should not be more known and visible than is strictly necessary. This is to reduce vulnerability, says Schjeldrup. Preparedness director Ronny Schjeldrup at the State Administrator in Troms and Finnmark will not answer directly whether the cable is sufficiently secured. Photo: The State Administrator Tilsynmyndighet will create regulations NKOM has also seen news’s ​​photos of how the fiber connection to Eastern Finnmark is laid under bridges on the E6. In a comment, section manager for safety at NKOM Rune Kanck writes that exposure along bridges – similar to exposure in overhead lines and in the transition between sea and land – makes these fiber stretches vulnerable. NKOM states that neither NKOM nor the fiber industry has standards for laying cables over bridges. The supervisory authority believes this to be a weakness today. “When it comes to the laying of fiber cables, we see, among other things through examples news points out, that this is an area where we need a more detailed and complete set of requirements,” writes NKOM. This is work that the National Communications Authority has now begun. The government has decided to set up an expert committee for national control of digital infrastructure.
