No one knows how many convicts pay – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– It’s not okay not to make up for it. It is not the kind of system we want, says Marit Sjuve from Hvittingfoss. She is a furniture designer and delivered specially designed furniture for 80,000 kroner at the home of the businessman Kim Terje Olsen in 2009. Sjuve, on the other hand, was never paid. She is one of 16 people who have won over Olsen in the Conciliation Board. But as news wrote when we told about Olsen earlier this week, he has rarely made up for it. This despite the fact that he lives a seemingly luxurious life and even says he has enough money to pay what he owes. Marit Sjuve is based in Hvittingfoss and is a furniture dealer. Photo: JOHN-ANDRE SAMUELSEN / news No overview The Conciliation Board seems to be a very effective tool in the fight against people who do not make up for it. In three years, they have handed down more than 180,000 sentences, according to figures obtained by the Norwegian Police Directorate for news. Most judgments are about monetary claims. Three out of four judgments have been handed down without one party present. That is, one party usually drops out to show up. Thus, the party who actually shows up often wins. However, no one has any idea how many actually pay for themselves after being convicted. Neither the Conciliation Board, the Bailiff nor others have the task of following what happens after the judgments have been handed down. Thus, no one notifies the police about repeat offenders who are constantly convicted without paying. Audhild Notø, section leader in the Eastern police district, is responsible for both the bailiff and the Conciliation Board. Audhild Notø is section leader in the Eastern police district. Photo: Shemsi Bunjaku / news She confirms that they do not inform about such cases to the parts of the police that investigate criminal cases. For example, they have never reported on Olsen’s constant losses in the Conciliation Board. – It is not criminal to owe money, Notø says. Waited for six years Ove Busk is another who has waited a long time for money from Olsen. He sold a holiday apartment in Turkey to Olsen in 2016, but received only half of the money. – I received a verdict in the Conciliation Board that he owes me 317,300. I was naive enough to believe that when I got the verdict, I would also get money pretty soon, says Busk. He thinks the system that is supposed to help people in his situation works too poorly. Ove Busk has been waiting to get his money for over six years. Photo: Anders Fehn / news – Money is one thing. But all the human destinies behind each judgment are a different matter. There are ruined lives, he says. Kim Terje Olsen says he wants to settle with Busk, but that he does not owe furniture dealer Marit Sjuve anything. He believes the furniture belonged to a company that later went bankrupt, and that Sjuve should therefore file a claim against the bankruptcy estate. This despite the fact that he was convicted in the Conciliation Board and that the invoice she sent was to him privately. Olsen says he has been convicted several times in the Conciliation Board without being aware of it, probably because he lives abroad. – Then the system works poorly. It is special to receive a default judgment without you being present, Olsen says. This week, news told the story of Kim Terje Olsen. Many accuse him of cheating them for money. Photo: Private Will not answer The police have in recent years dropped several reports against Olsen. news has asked the police if they are aware of the many losses in the Conciliation Board and that Olsen in most cases has not made up for it. The police do not want to answer that. But when news reports on the losses in the Conciliation Board, prosecutor Kåre Solvoll writes that it is “quite clear that the police must also look more closely at reports that come on this person”. news has also asked the Ministry of Justice if they think the police, the bailiff and the Conciliation Board have good enough tools to catch repeat offenders in the system. The Ministry of Justice does not want to answer that. Instead, they refer to the police themselves. Marit Sjuve believes this shows a system that works poorly. – It seems that it does not pay to make up for it. It is special, she says.
