No detention after the Nav murder in Bergen – news Vestland

31 January 2024 at 10:17 Supreme Court: No detention after the Nav murder in Bergen This is revealed in a new decision from the Supreme Court. Abdella Ahmed Haji was sentenced both in the Bergen District Court and the Gulating Court of Appeal to 21 years in custody. In October, it became clear that the Supreme Court would hear the appeal, and they have now concluded that there is no basis for a custodial sentence. – Detention can only be imposed if a prison sentence is not considered sufficient to protect the life, health or freedom of others. In the judgment, the majority of the Supreme Court concludes that this condition for detention has not been met, and the sentence is set at 21 years in prison, the decision states. According to the decision, the majority placed particular emphasis on the fact that the killer has not committed an offense before.
