No contact for two days – this is what Solberg did – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Right-wing leader Erna Solberg spent the weekend before the election on 11 September in her home town of Bergen. But according to the overview that the Conservative Party itself has drawn up, there was no contact between the spouses from 6pm on Friday until Sunday evening. Instead, she ran an election campaign and visited both a food festival in the city centre, the Lagunen shopping center and the tourist attractions Fløien and Akvariet. – I believe this is the most important hole in the timeline of the Right. It is still difficult to understand that Erna Solberg and the Conservative Party did not make sure to get better control over the work with the list of share transactions, says Lysbakken to news. MISSING: SV’s Audun Lysbakken sees holes in Høyre’s timeline. Photo: William Jobling / news The lack of contact between Solberg and Finnes is just one of several critical remarks that the former SV leader has about the timeline that the Conservative Party presented yesterday. A key point for Lysbakken, who sits on the important control and constitution committee at the Storting, is why the share overview of Sindre Finnes was not presented before the election. – The timeline lacks many media inquiries. That makes it relevant to ask whether the alarm should not have gone off earlier. And when the alarm first goes off, it takes a long time, he says. news has asked the Conservative Party for a comment on Lysbakken’s statements, but has not yet received a reply. “Hectic election campaign” On Friday 8 September, three days before election day, Erna Solberg, like the other party leaders, was in Stavanger to prepare for the last party leader debate. During a visit to the home of a family who told about the lack of activity on offer for their son, news let loose with a few questions about Solberg’s husband’s share activities. The interview was conducted at approximately 3.30 pm. – I have asked Sindre to make a list of the share deals, said the Conservative leader. In the Storting, more people than SV are critical of Erna Solberg’s handling and believe that she and the Conservative Party should have done far more to get the share overview completed before the election. Confronted with the two days without dialogue, Conservative deputy leader Henrik Asheim replied to news yesterday: – I think it primarily bears the mark that Erna Solberg ran a very hectic election campaign. That dialogue certainly fell into place when it dawned on her that this was more extensive than she had thought. Gut feeling But Lysbakken is not reassured. – Both the fact that the bad feeling in the stomach reported on Thursday and not Friday, as was first said from the Conservative Party, and that there was no dialogue from Friday to Sunday, creates the impression that you have not done everything you could to get control of these the information, he says. At Solberg’s press conference last week, she said she got a bad feeling on Friday 8 September because of E24’s case of 22 deals in her final months as prime minister, “as this was completely new information to me on Friday”. But when the party presented a timeline yesterday, it emerged that there was contact between the Conservative Party’s press manager and Finnes already two days earlier. It also emerged that Solberg and her husband had a conversation about these transactions on Thursday morning 7 September, and that it was on Thursday – four days before the election – that the bad feeling arose. At the same time, Finnes, according to the Høyre, asked on Friday evening if it would be possible to create an overview of trades above a certain value, but Solberg refused this. End of election campaign in Bergen After the party leadership debate in Stavanger on Friday, Erna Solberg traveled home to Bergen on Saturday – without meeting her husband. Instead, she attended a number of election campaign events. From the official program sent to the press, it appears that she started at 1.45pm and finished in the center at 6pm. At 6 p.m., the Høyre bus drove to the center of Bergen, via Erna Solberg’s home, according to Høyre’s program. The following day, the day before election day itself, Solberg visited Hordnesskogen, Kanadaskogen, the Fløbanen and the Aquarium. The day ended at 3.30pm, according to the programme. According to the timeline presented by Høyre last night, Solberg called the man on Friday 8 September at 18:03 to make sure he was working. Sunday 10 September, in the evening, is the first time Finnes and Solberg are physically in the same place after the confrontation the Friday before. Solberg asks Finnes how the overview is going, and if he has anything new to share. Finnes replies that the work is well under way, but he says that he has nothing more to share. news has asked Finnes’ lawyer where Finnes stayed the weekend before the election, but has not yet received an answer. – Simple steps Nor are the parties that the Conservative Party ruled together with in the years 2013 to 2021, when Sindre Finnes was involved in extensive buying and selling of shares, satisfied with the answers that the Conservative Party gave last night. – There are still several unanswered questions in this case. It is important to get to the bottom of these, says the Progress Party’s deputy leader Hans Andreas Limi. He finds it difficult to decide why the married couple did not have contact at certain times, or what assessments lie behind how comprehensive the list of transactions should be. But the Frp top adds: – There are many indications that, with simple measures, it would have been possible to find a great many transactions at an earlier time. It will now be up to the Conservative Party to explain why more was not done earlier. Venstre’s Grunde Almeland is leading the Storting’s work on all the integrity scandals this summer, by virtue of being the rapporteur on the control committee. – It is the Conservative Party and Solberg who must answer for the assessments that have been made in recent weeks, he believes – and asks again for full transparency and answers to all questions. – The most important thing for the control committee is to go thoroughly into the specific breaches of integrity during Solberg’s term as prime minister. They are the ones that are relevant to our control case, in addition to conditions that will shed light on these, says Almeland.
