No budget agreement – postponing the deadline – Latest news – news

11 June 2024 at 15:04 No budget agreement – postponing the deadline The governing parties, the Labor Party and the Center Party, have so far not been able to reach an agreement with SV on a revised national budget. The three parties are engaged in intense negotiations in the Storting. And now it is clear that the deadline for reaching an agreement will be postponed until Friday. – We are still negotiating with the hope of reaching the deadline, which is next Friday morning, says SV’s fiscal policy spokesperson Kari Elisabeth Kaski to news. – There is a great distance between us and the governing parties, and SV is working for breakthroughs that give people better advice, reduce differences and take the nature and climate crisis seriously, she says. It is not at all unusual for the deadline to be missed in budget negotiations. In recent years, it has been the rule rather than the exception that the Storting’s deadlines have been exceeded. The Storting is scheduled to adopt a budget agreement on Friday 21 June.
