Nikki Haley struggles at home – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– Trump takes Putin’s side. He is electing a dictator who will destroy the United States in front of our allies who stood by us on 9/11. The battle for the Republican presidential nomination has reached South Carolina. Nikki Haley took the time to meet with voters at home on Friday. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news Nikki Haley thunders from a small outdoor stage in a small state town in a white sweater with an American flag on it. She has stepped up her attacks on Donald Trump in recent weeks in the election campaign at home. But it is probably too late. Lost the grassroots The around 100 who have turned up who have turned up like what they hear. They like their former governor chastising Trump for what he has said about NATO and Putin in recent weeks. But Annie Ames is optimistic about whether the punishment will help. – I am very nervous. Trump has great support here. He is so famous. Everyone knows who he is. He was in films in the 1990s and has been a celebrity even longer: – It is difficult to compete with him, she explains. Annie Ames hopes for Haley, but is nervous about today’s nomination election in her home state. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news Annie works as a project manager at the medical faculty at a nearby university. She is a highly educated Republican. One who likes Nikki Haley. But South Carolina is a state with few large cities and many grassroots Republicans. This is MAGA country now. Trump has had great support here for a long time, and many Republicans in South Carolina have accused Nikki Haley of not having followed up the grassroots here at home well enough after she resigned as governor in 2017 and became Trump’s UN ambassador. Nikki Haley is on home soil and takes her time to shake hands with every single voter who has turned up. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news Courting black people with a mugshot Trump is not in South Carolina on election day. He is in Washington to address CPAC, one of the largest Republican gatherings in a year. Supporters write greetings on a campaign bus parked outside the CPAC conference in National Harbor, Maryland. Photo: AP But on Friday night he spoke at the gala dinner of an organization for conservative African-Americans in South Carolina. There he tried to get this group of voters to identify more strongly with him – We’ve all seen the mugshots of me. And do you know who pressed them to his chest more than anyone else? The black population. They see what’s happening to me and what’s happening to them,” Trump said. Watch the USA expert explain the system. Surveys show that Joe Biden has lower support among African-American voters than when he took office and that Trump’s support is increasing. Have to pay 4.7 billion It has been a week characterized by bad news for Trumo in most places other than the opinion polls. Trump made the host laugh when he gave a speech in Columbia, South Carolina on Friday. Photo: Reuters On Friday, he was also announced a formal payment demand of NOK 4.7 billion from a judge in New York following the fraud case in which he has been convicted of inflating the value of his companies. Trump has appealed the verdict. It is uncertain how he will get hold of so much money. Forgotten hometown In the small town of Orangeburg we meet many African-Americans, but none of them we meet want to talk about Nikki Haley. In the main street, many shops are closed. – Look what has happened to this city. It is going down and is crime and poverty. – Politics doesn’t help us, says a man passing by on his way out of a laundromat. Many women in South Carolina support Nikki Haley, but Trump remains the most popular. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news Nikki Haley went to high school in this town in the 1980s. The girl of Indian immigrant parents was one of the only non-white students at Orangeburg prep. A school insurance agent Tripp Kemp sends his children to today. Tripp Kemp in Orangeburg liked Nikki Haley when she was governor. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news – My father grew up in the same street as Nikki Haley. He remembers her parents moving in in 1969. Tripp says he likes her. He doesn’t have much to blame on her from when she was governor either. – But will you vote for her today? – Eh, no, I don’t think so, he says. Tripp Kemp believes Haley has lost touch with her roots. He believes Trump has much more to show and is a safer card to vote for for a Republican. – It doesn’t look good for her. Trump has more results to show. With him we know what we are getting. Photo: AP Haley says she won’t retire if she does poorly today. On March 5, close to 20 states will hold nomination elections on the so-called Super Tuesday, and Haley has already bought TV advertising in several of the states that vote then.
