Nikki Haley launches herself as a presidential candidate in the USA – Latest news – news

14 February 2023 at 13:00 Nikki Haley launches herself as a presidential candidate in the USA The USA’s former UN ambassador Nikki Haley announces that she is running as a candidate in the Republican nomination race before the presidential election next year. The news came in a video she shared on Twitter on Tuesday. In the video, she speaks warmly of how “we are blessed to live in America”. – I have seen the best the country has to offer, she says of life in South Carolina. At the same time, she makes a jab at the established elite in Washington, which she believes has failed “again and again and again”. In the video, she also refers to the United States as the freest and best country in the world. – We have to get back on that track. The Republicans have received a minority of the vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections. It must change. It is time for a new generation to take the lead. She describes China’s and Russia’s advance and says that “they all think that we will allow ourselves to be ruled”. – But you should know this about me: I don’t accept bullies. And when you kick back, it hurts extra when you walk in high heels, she says, before ending by saying that she is running as a candidate. Haley was UN ambassador for two years while party member Donald Trump was president. (NTB)
