Nieve (22) travels around Europe and films matches – will remember the visit to Norway forever – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– On the pitch, the Premier League is Europe’s best league. But off the field, the players are becoming more and more disconnected from the supporters with each passing year. When I’m at a match with a big team in the Premier League, I often feel like a customer for the superstars. But at Vålerenga against Lillestrøm, I felt that I had been given permission to be part of a community for 90 minutes. That’s what 22-year-old Pegg tells news after Monday’s terrific match between Vålerenga and Lillestrøm, which was decided in spectacular fashion with LSK scoring 4-3 in the 96th minute. VIF-LSK became a rare classic. Photo: NTB Pegg has been an active video blogger for six years and has over 200,000 followers on his Youtube account, and has gradually become recognized for videos that capture the essence and uniqueness of various classics and football cultures around different countries. On Monday, the trip went to Norway’s capital to witness perhaps Norwegian football’s hottest match. TV 2’s Jesper Mathisen, who must be said to have been part of it, said several times during the channel’s match broadcast that he has never experienced a similar setting in the Eliteserien. And the visit made an impression on Pegg, who has already posted a nine-minute video from the match. See a sample here (with permission): – That’s why I’ve lost my love The special scenes towards the end of the match, and after the end of the match, made a strong impression on the English 22-year-old. Then the LSK players stood for a long time out on the artificial grass and celebrated the victory together with a packed stand of yellow-clad supporters. In the video she has posted from the match, she points out several times that the scenes brought out the best aspects of football. – This affinity (between the players and the supporters) is so beautiful, and that is why I have lost a bit of my love for football after the Premier League started again after the World Cup. The Premier League is an incredible league with many superstars, but I’ve seen these videos of stars just ignoring supporters and walking right past them as if they don’t exist, she says in the Youtube film from the match. GROUP PICTURE: The Lillestrøm players and the support team take a group photo with the supporters after the 4-3 victory. Photo: NTB Had to apologize for the players’ behavior Recently, several videos have appeared of Premier League stars who seem to overlook their own supporters. First, the Arsenal stars were booed by the club’s celebrity supporter Piers Morgan and several others when they signed autographs for a young girl without looking her in the eye or saying anything. – Come on, boys. Can’t at least one of you say hello to her, Morgan thundered. Afterwards, however, the girl’s father has been out to defend Arsenal. On Monday, Leeds had to issue a press release after a number of players walked straight past a young supporter who was waiting for their heroes with a large autograph pad. The incident was caught on video and quickly sparked anger and despair, with the clip approaching nine million views. – Words cannot convey how sorry we are that the young boy in the video, who is wearing a Leeds kit, is not shown more love from the squad, the club wrote in a statement of regret. Akor Adams celebrated for a long time with the LSK fans after the match. Photo: NTB The main reason why the 22-year-old Brit appreciated the experience in Oslo so much on Monday evening is that there was something real and close about what she saw, she points out. – I will remember that forever. In the video from the match, she films herself while she sits on the long side and sees that the LSK players celebrate the victory with the supporters for a long time after the end of the match. – That over there, it’s gratitude. These are players who are aware of their role in this club, she says in the video. – What made the biggest impression on you? – It was the Lillestrøm fans, who completely stole the show and took over Oslo, I will remember that forever. They were hostile, they were full of energy and very loud. But after the match they left the stadium in a respectful manner. I didn’t see any violent behavior from any of the supporters groups and it was brilliant to see. That’s how it should be, she says to news. In the video, she says “I love this club” about the winners in yellow and black. – A football club that until yesterday I only knew the name of, and nothing more, had suddenly won me over within 90 minutes, she says. Also in the LSK camp, they greatly appreciated what they were involved in on Monday evening. – This was drama, excitement and football at its best, summed up LSK coach Geir Bakke to news after the match. Read more about the drama from Intility here. Lillestrøm with a wild turnaround in the elite series match between Vålerenga and Lillestrøm.
